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The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course!
Getting Started with ReactJS
Welcome to the course! (9:41)
Environment setup (12:24)
Anatomy of a React project (13:08)
Writing a React component (8:51)
React lifecycle (4:54)
The React state (15:16)
Understanding component props and re-rendering (17:37)
Importing CSS into React components (4:36)
Writing a calculator part 1 (18:41)
Writing a calculator part 2 (34:41)
Building a ReactJS Website
React website setup (6:20)
Component children (16:52)
React routing (10:20)
Route parameters and HTML slicing part 1 (14:32)
Route parameters and HTML slicing part 2 (16:55)
Services and portfolio pages part 1 (15:45)
Services and portfolio pages part 2 (9:40)
Working with forms in React part 1 (15:35)
Working with forms in React part 2 (22:20)
Using Formik (22:33)
Yup form validation schemas (17:02)
Rest API with LoopbackJS
Setup of REST API using LoopbackJS (14:53)
Creating models (12:34)
Model observers (16:13)
Model relations (15:58)
ESLINT (9:24)
Subclassing access tokens (6:11)
Persisting data using MongoDB (20:28)
Creating data (7:04)
Updating data (4:12)
Finding model instances part 1 (21:23)
Finding model instances part 2 (3:02)
Deleting model instances (7:01)
Creating post collection (6:27)
Roles and rolemapping (14:01)
Applying access control to our post model (12:39)
Adding an editor role (9:34)
Creating a category model (8:35)
File storage and collection part 1 (15:11)
File storage and collection part 2 (9:44)
Custom remote methods and file uploads part 1 (17:37)
Custom remote methods and file uploads part 2 (14:21)
Creating login route (18:06)
Adding a login form (12:01)
Redux and Material-UI
Wrapping components (11:29)
Dispatching actions (6:19)
Creating our store and reducers (24:01)
Integrating remote API calls (21:52)
Applying middleware (14:35)
Material-UI intro (11:35)
Drawer and CSS (16:17)
Drawer collapsing and animations (14:03)
Icons, lists, links (17:10)
Main content class (14:24)
Persisting reducers using localStorage (15:29)
Basic tables (11:12)
Fetching posts and users from our API (21:07)
Fab buttons (11:41)
Setting up Redux, Material-UI and Formik for our add post page (11:43)
Material-UI forms with Formik (19:01)
Flex display and connecting our post form to our database via Redux part 1 (15:16)
Flex display and connecting our post form to our database via Redux part 2 (14:34)
Editing existing posts (27:30)
Uploading post images part 1 (16:02)
Uploading post images part 2 (17:13)
Integrating Quill as a content editor (17:38)
Loading posts on the front-end part 1 (13:55)
Loading posts on the front-end part 2 (16:44)
Loading more posts on demand (11:39)
Single post page (26:33)
Registering new accounts (25:05)
Posting comments and adding relations and ACLs to our API part 1 (20:18)
Posting comments and adding relations and ACLs to our API part 2 (19:24)
Deploying React apps with NGINX (25:47)
Deploying our API using PM2 and NGINIX part 1 (17:44)
Deploying our API using PM2 and NGINIX part 2 (14:04)
Deploying our API using PM2 and NGINIX part 3 (16:55)
WebSocket Chat Application
Creating a chat app (8:02)
Creating our chat store (11:27)
WebSocket connections (7:52)
Sending socket messages (13:01)
Creating signup and login forms (18:11)
Writing account based logic part 1 (29:43)
Writing account based logic part 2 (1:58)
Using auth tokens (12:39)
Styling the messenger (21:20)
Tracking logged in users (13:55)
Search functionality (20:26)
Creating new threads and sending to relevant clients (26:31)
Connecting on page load if already logged in (24:01)
Get threads on page load (10:07)
Disconnecting socket sessions (11:07)
Adding messages and sending to relevant clients (31:46)
Rendering messages client-side (18:42)
Rendering messages with user information (22:47)
Ejecting a React application (8:40)
Adding an editor role
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