Create a Budget that Works

Learn how to create and maintain a personal budget in 5 easy steps using concepts and tools that are adaptable for a lifetime

What's Inside

"Create a Budget that Works" will help you finally create a personal / household budget that works for your unique situation. This program methodically and patiently guides you through a five-step process, using transformative tools and concepts, for finally developing a customized spending plan that incorporates all those various financial puzzle pieces that make up your personal financial world.

This "Create a Budget that Works" course will teach you how to create and maintain a budget by explaining and showing how all the different concepts and financial pieces work together. The relaxed, kitchen-table conversational style offers a slower pace, compared to the fast paced, "drinking from the fire hose" approach. This style is deliberate, recognizing the anxiety that many experience when dealing with finances. Appealing to both the mental and emotional sides of the learner allows for a solid anchoring of the material. Don't let this slow approach fool you. In the end, the learning is subtle, deeper and powerfully affecting you for a lifetime.

Based on the best-selling workbook, The Budget Kit: Common Cents Money Management Workbook 6th Ed. (Kaplan Publishers), which has been selling nationally in bookstores for over thirty years and continually on Amazon's Best-seller lists, the concepts and tools are flexible and adaptable for a lifetime of financial changes. You can incorporate the concepts, as well as the tools, as a stand-alone budgeting system or apply them to other software, apps or online programs you’re currently using.

Even though you may have used a variety of budgeting tools over the years, if you are like many others, you ultimately may have ended up feeling there was still something missing. This course will finally provide the missing pieces.

After going through this "Create a Budget that Works" course, and learning how to create a comprehensive, overall personal budget, how to outline and work with a realistic monthly budget/spending plan, how to identify all those missing pieces that show up as surprise emergencies, and finally discovering all those spending leaks, you will finally understand why those other budgeting attempts just weren't working.

You will receive many valuable materials including "The Budget Kit 6th Ed." eBook, PDFs of the dozens of worksheets found in the workbook, along with an Excel Package of primary worksheets.

View these materials as a guideline for core concepts and basic spending categories. Spending categories always change over the years, but the core concepts remain timeless.

With over four hours of video by the author sharing her decades of experience with you, and specific homework using the course materials, rest assured, this time you will have a lifelong system and understanding that works. These concepts can be applied to any of your current financial tools and will bring you the mastery, confidence and financial peace of mind you have been seeking.

As you start the program, be sure you don't miss all the handy notes. Just scroll down below the downloads and you'll find all the added notes.

What are the requirements?

  • All materials will be provided, however, it would be helpful to have Adobe Reader, Microsoft Power Point and Microsoft Excel (any version from 3.0 up) installed on your computer to utilize the handy worksheets provided.
  • There is no specific knowledge requirement, however a willingness and determination to learn and do the work will make all the difference for success.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 30 lectures and 4 hours of video content!
  • Understand and finally see clearly why your debt balance keeps growing, even though you are making good money.
  • Have a monthly spending plan that makes sense and finally works.
  • Discover where the spending leaks are and what you can do to stop them.
  • Be aware of and prepared for the majority of budget busting “surprise” expenses that pop up year round – Plus have a plan for handling them.
  • Be on top of your gift and holiday expenses and avoiding the holiday debt hangover the next year.
  • Gain more mindfulness, confidence and solid financial mastery over your personal finances in general.
  • A true sense of financial peace of mind.

What is the target audience?

  • People of all ages, education, and experience can still benefit from the tools and concepts introduced in this course.
  • Anyone who has tried budgets in the past and not had success.
  • Anyone who has never started a budget and is totally new to budgeting.
  • Past audiences and clients include: professionals, couples, young families, Boomers, and millennials.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
51713+ Students
30 Lectures
2+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Judy Lawrence

Judy is a professional Financial Counselor, Budget Coach and founder of She is the author of The Budget Kit: Common Cents Money Management Workbook 6th Ed (Kaplan Publishers -Over 425,000 copies in print). The Budget Kit has been a perennial bestseller for Kaplan Publishing (previously Dearborn Publishers) for over 20 years and other publishers before that.

This time-tested workbook, available for decades has been serving multiple generations. When Judy originally self published “Common Cent$” she was ahead of her time with her pioneering concepts for creating a basic, complete and user-friendly budgeting system in layman’s terms along with visual hands-on worksheets for quick understanding. These core concepts continue to stay relevant and effective and easily adaptable to any financial tool currently being used. .

Judy has appeared on numerous national networks including CNBC, Style Network, PBS, USA Radio Network, Business Talk Radio,and featured online and in print for decades.

Ms. Lawrence’s Master’s degree in Counseling enhances her financial counseling skills. Her down-to-earth style of books, coaching, webinars and presentations continue to help thousands of couples, individuals, professionals and solopreneurs get out of debt, gain financial control and have more financial peace of mind.

Customers, clients and workshop participants appreciate her encouraging, supportive, and easy-to-understand approach for breaking through old restricting financial beliefs, patterns and barriers around money issues.

After spending ten years in the Silicon Valley / Bay Area in CA, Judy moved back to Albuquerque, NM and offers financial counseling/coaching nationally and globally by phone, Skype and various online platforms. Locally she offers in-home visits for financial counseling and presents public money management and budgeting workshops. Nationally she presents webinars to numerous companies through various active online platforms.

Ms. Lawrence developed a four month financial literacy training program for Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity and for years trained the recipient partner families qualifying for Habitat homes. She has also served as a Board member for Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity.

Another area of financial counseling for many years has been consulting with divorcing couples. She was an active member of the Albuquerque Collaborative Divorce Alternatives Group for many years.

Judy and her husband enjoy hiking and exploring throughout New Mexico. She has been active with the local TEDxABQ community for many years. One of her favorite traveling destinations is New Zealand where she visits her “Kiwi family” and has provided coaching and workshops to many New Zealanders.

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