Navigating Self Study

Studying on your own can be a challenge! For some it is effortless and for others it takes some time to get used to. Below are some tips to help you get the most out of your home study time.

  1. Create a space in your home for Yoga/Meditation and study. Do your best to respect what this space is used for.
  2. Let others in your space know that you are dedicating time to your studies.
  3. Turn off all electronics that have notifications so you can be focused.
  4. Take breaks as needed (a little yoga, a walk outside or a calming cup of tea can make the world of difference).
  5. Less is sometimes more! Plan for short sessions of quality work rather than long sessions where your focus may be scattered.
  6. Take days off! Enjoy time away from your studies to absorb and practice what you are learning.

Mindful Breaks

A way to enhance the meditative quality of your self-guided learning is to incorporate mindful breaks and meals in between your study days. These can be silent meals, walking meditation breaks or short meditation sessions in between lectures.

Part of the path of yoga is meditation and we have found (over many many trainings) that the inclusion of meditation in our program can have a deep and profound effect on students and their ability to absorb material.

Below are some suggestions for meditative moments throughout the training program.

  1. Silent Breakfast ~ start the days you are dedicating to studying by beginning with Silent Breakfast. Prepare and eat the meal in silence (not checking your phone or email!). Savour each bite, notice the smells and tastes and notice the calming effect that this practice has!
  2. Meditative Moments ~ after each lecture set a timer for 5 minutes and complete a short meditation. These moments will give your brain and body a well-deserved rest and prepare you for the next section of learning.
  3. Savasana ~ end your study day with a 10-minute savasana (or longer if you have the time!). Use a timer so you don’t have to worry about checking the time.

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