Learn By Example : Apache Storm

25 Solved examples on Real Time Stream Processing

What's Inside

Storm is to real-time stream processing what Hadoop is to batch processing. Using Storm you can build applications which need you to be highly responsive to the latest data and react within seconds and minutes, such as finding the latest trending topics on twitter, or monitoring spikes in payment gateway failures. From simple data transformations to applying machine learning algorithms on the fly, Storm can do it all.

This course has 25 Solved Examples on building Storm Applications.

What's covered?

1) Understanding Spouts and Bolts which are the building blocks of every Storm topology.

2) Running a Storm topology in the local mode and in the remote mode

3) Parallelizing data processing within a topology using different grouping strategies : Shuffle grouping, fields grouping, Direct grouping, All grouping, Custom Grouping

4) Managing reliability and fault-tolerance within Spouts and Bolts

5) Performing complex transformations on the fly using the Trident topology : Map, Filter, Windowing and Partitioning operations

6) Applying ML algorithms on the fly using libraries like Trident-ML and Storm-R.

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Janani Ravi

Loonycorn is comprised of a couple of individuals —Janani Ravi and Vitthal Srinivasan—who have honed their tech expertises at Google and Stanford. The team believes it has distilled the instruction of complicated tech concepts into funny, practical, engaging courses, and is excited to be sharing its content with eager students.

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