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Learn By Example : Apache Storm
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You, This Course and Us
Stream Processing with Storm
How does Twitter compute Trends?
Improving Performance using Distributed Processing
Building blocks of Storm Topologies
Adding Parallelism in a Storm Topology
Components of a Storm Cluster
Implementing a Hello World Topology
A Simple Hello World Topology
Ex 1: Implementing a Spout
Ex 1: Implementing a Bolt
Ex 1: Submitting the Topology
Processing Data using Files
Ex 2: Reading Data from a File
Representing Data using Tuples
Ex 3: Accessing data from Tuples
Ex 4: Writing Data to a File
Running a Topology in the Remote Mode
Setting up a Storm Cluster
Ex 5: Submitting a topology to the Storm Cluster
Adding Parallelism to a Storm Topology
Ex 6 : Shuffle Grouping
Ex 7: Fields Grouping
Ex 8: All Grouping
Ex 9: Custom Grouping
Ex 10: Direct Grouping
Section 7: Building a Word Count Topology
Ex 11: Building a Word Count Topology
Remote Procedure Calls Using Storm
Ex 12: A Storm Topology for DRPC calls
Managing Reliability of Topologies
Ex 13: Managing Failures in Spouts
Integrating Storm with Different Sources/Sinks
Ex 14: Implementing a Twitter Spout
Ex 15: Using a HDFS Bolt
Using the Storm Multilang Protocol
Ex 16: Building a Storm Topology using Python
Complex Transformations using Trident
Ex 17: Building a basic Trident Topology
Ex 18: Implementing a Map Function
Ex 19: Implementing a Filter Function
Ex 20: Aggregating data
Ex 21: Understanding States
Ex 22: Windowing operations
Ex 23: Using partitions
Ex 24: Building a Twitter Hashtag Extractor
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