Facebook Advertising: The Facebook Ads Certification Course

In less than 3 hours you'll be able to use Facebook's ad targeting features, install and use the Tracking Pixel, launch campaigns, and receive a certification.

What's Inside

Learn all the skills you need to use Facebook’s advertising tools effectively in less than 3 hours and earn your Facebook Ads 2017 certificate.

Get past the fluff of other online advertising courses! Learn by doing. Get the skills you need to be an effective Facebook Ads manager fast and earn your Facebook Advertising 2017 Certificate.

  • Access to step-by-step guides, Eazl’s Facebook Product Feed template, and the Facebook Ads interactive simulation game
  • How to use Facebook ads targeting: Building core, custom, and lookalike Facebook audiences
  • Installing and using the Facebook Pixel
  • How to launch and use each objective in the Facebook Ads platform
  • How to deploy dynamic display remarketing campaigns

An EXTREMELY Powerful Tool for Modern Businesspeople

Learning how to use Facebook Advertising isn’t just for launching Facebook ads to sell products. Instead, think of Facebook ads as a way to communicate with hyper-targeted groups of people. Facebook advertisements can be used for recruiting, for public relations, to promote events, to build communities, and, of course, for selling products and services.

Learning to use the Facebook Ads suite for business will enable you to be better at online marketing, modern digital communications, and will give you a strong background for a variety of social media and digital marketing applications. You’ll also earn your Facebook Ads 2017 certificate which you can link to on your LinkedIn® profile, resume, etc.

Overview of the Learning Experience

Suitable for everyone who has basic computer skills, the ability to basic image editing, and can copy and paste a small bit of the Facebook Pixel code into a website’s header, this course will take you through everything you can do with the Facebook Ads Manager before needing to engage a developer (which is a lot). You’ll learn all the fundamentals of the Facebook Advertising ecosystem, learn how to build core, custom, and lookalike audiences (including integrations with CRM platforms and e-mail management programs like MailChimp), how to launch effective campaigns that use the full suite of Facebook Advertising features, and how to use advanced features like the Facebook Product Catalog / Product Feed, dynamic display remarketing, and manual Pixel-based remarketing. You’ll also get to test your skills through one of Eazl’s popular interactive simulation games—a learning experience that blends a real case study with your chance to make decisions and see their impact.

Starting with the Fundamentals of Facebook Marketing and Advertising, you’ll learn how the Facebook Ads Manager is constructed, what the core tools are, and how to use them. You’ll also install the Facebook Ads Pixel and learn the basics of Custom Pixel Events.

With these basics mastered, the course will take you through the creation of core, custom, and lookalike audiences which enable you to take advantage of Facebook Advertising’s best feature—hyper-targeting. You’ll learn how to use demographic, behavior, and interest-based targeting, create lookalike audiences, and create custom audiences by importing external sources of data (like an email list). By the end of this section, you’ll be capable of setting up geotargeted audiences, audiences of visitors to a destination, income-targeted audiences, and a lot more.

The final two sections of the course will build your skills around launching Facebook Ad campaigns, ad groups, and ads including how to use Facebook Advertising features like Facebook Offers, the Facebook Product Feed, lead generation campaigns, and more. You’ll follow along and build your skills around each of Facebook’s campaign objectives and learn how to use important features like Facebook’s offers, Product Feed, lead generation forms, and more.

By completing 100% of the course, you’ll earn your Facebook Ads 2017 Certification which you can then post on your LinkedIn® profile, link to through your resume, and show to clients.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
45781+ Students
30 Lectures
2+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
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