Arduino Step by Step: Your complete guide

Explore the World's Friendliest Electronics Prototyping Platform with 22 Hours of Training!

What's Inside

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. By receiving inputs from sensors (and with a little programming on your part) Arduino is able to control lights, motors, and a number of other accessories. Fuel your interest in electronic design with this 19-hour course covering beginner to advanced Arduino concepts. You’ll be able to get started on your personal electronic projects, and claim your mastery of the Arduino programming environment.

  • Go from Arduino beginner to master w/ over 131 lectures & 21 hours of content
  • Program in the Arduino prototyping platform
  • Understand the principles of programming micro-controllers
  • Explore basic principles in electronics design
  • Study & utilize many types of sensors and components
  • Connect your Arduino to the Internet for reporting & controlling
  • Use tools to build electronic devices
  • Study shields, accessories & sensors
  • Get familiar w/ advanced integrations with motors, gears & movement

A Platform for Creating Any Device Imaginable Created in 2005 by students at the Interaction Design Institute in Italy, Arduinos are microcontrollers that make the creation of interactive electronic devices accessible and fun. In recent years have become a favorite of electronic hobbyists and DIYers because of their ease of use and extremely low cost.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
50147+ Students
163 Lectures
22+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Peter Dalmaris

Peter is Chief Explorer at Tech Explorations. He is fascinated by technology because of its ability to make amazing things happen, and science because of its ability to make nature transparent.

He is an Electrical and Computer Engineer, has a PhD (most of which was spent reading philosophy of knowledge) and a couple of Masters in Information Systems.

He has been a lecturer for over 13 years in a variety of IT (and occasionally management) subjects. During this time, he has developed a hands-on teaching style, whereby he invites and challenges his students to learn by doing. He has taught thousands of students in dozens of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Peter is also a software developer at Futureshock Enterprises, making applications using Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and iOS.

Peter has been an electronics enthusiast since he remembers himself when he wrecked his sister's digital watch and his parents VCR. He replaced the watch but managed to fix the VCR.

Now, he is particularly fascinated by the rapid prototyping opportunities that the Arduino and similar platforms has brought about.

He lives in Sydney, Australia.

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