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Arduino Step by Step: Your complete guide
Introduction (1:54)
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List of parts
A study guide - Please view this first! (5:11)
Getting started with the Arduino
The Arduino ecosystem (7:50)
Arduino ecosystem - quiz
Tools and prototyping workflow (7:51)
Let's make a light blink! (11:35)
LED blinking - quiz
Make the LED fade on and off (4:40)
LED fading - quiz
Tools and prototyping - quiz
About sensors (3:04)
Measuring light (8:29)
Measuring light - Quiz
Temperature and humidity (7:10)
Temperature and Humidity - Quiz
Barometric pressure sensors (7:12)
Barometric pressure sensors - quiz
Infrared motion sensors (9:04)
Infrared motion sensors - Quiz
Ultrasonic distance sensor (10:11)
Ultrasonic distance sensors - Quiz
Detecting acceleration (6:37)
Detecting acceleration - quiz
Line sensor (infrared) (3:36)
Line sensor - quiz
Tilt and impact (8:54)
Tilt and impact sensors - quiz
Buttons (6:18)
Buttons - quiz
Potentiometer (7:26)
Potentiometer - quiz
The flex sensor (4:57)
Flex sensor - Quiz
Membrane potentiometer (4:12)
Membrane potentiometer - quiz
Making noise with a passive buzzer (5:26)
Making noise with a buzzer - quiz
Keypad, Part 1: Introduction (4:07)
Keypad, Part 2: Parallel connection wiring (12:25)
Keypad, Part 3: Parallel connection sketch (5:16)
Keypad, Part 4: Single wire connection (12:37)
Keypad, Part 5: Single wire connection conclusion (11:34)
Hardware button deboucing
Rotary Encoders Part 1: Background and Principle of Operation (17:08)
Rotary Encoders Part 2: A Simple Circuit demo (13:36)
Rotary Encoders Part 3: Adding Debouncing (10:34)
Fingerprint sensor Part 1: About (5:42)
Fingerprint sensor Part 2: Wiring, registering, recognizing (10:29)
Fingerprint sensor Part 3: App demo with an electric door lock (7:40)
LCD character screen, Part 1 (14:35)
LCD character screen, Part 2 (6:49)
Single data wire LCD and I2C, Part 1 (15:41)
Single data wire LCD and I2C, Part 2 (7:41)
LCD and Keypad mini-project
LCD TFT screen (16:42)
Quiz for the LCD TFT lecture
Seven Segment LED Displays, Part 1: Intro and assembly (11:31)
Seven Segment LED Displays, Part 2: Sketch (14:33)
Control an 8x8 LED matrix display with the MAX7219 controller (23:05)
Visualise ADXL335 accelerometer data on an 8x8 LED matrix display (6:58)
Control multiple 8x8 LED matrix displays (6:24)
Direct current motors, Part 1 (17:32)
Direct current motors, Part 2 (7:52)
Direct current motors, Part 3 (12:00)
Exercises for the Direct Current motor lectures
Servo motors, Part 1 (15:18)
Servo motors, Part 2 (11:54)
Exercises for the servo motor lectures
Servo motors and LCD screens mini project
Stepper motors Part 1: Introduction (7:34)
Stepper motors Part 2: Connecting a unipolar un-geared motor (11:41)
Stepper motors Part 3: Controlling a unipolar un-geared motor (6:19)
Stepper motors Part 4: Connecting a unipolar geared motor (5:07)
Stepper motors Part 5: Using the AccelStep library (7:51)
EasyDriver with the NEMA17 stepper motor (18:29)
Ethernet and Internet communications
The Ethernet shield, Part 1 (24:10)
The Ethernet shield, Part 2 (14:19)
A simple Arduino reporting web server, Part 1 (5:04)
A simple Arduino reporting web server, Part 2 (19:40)
A simple Arduino reporting web server, Part 3 (10:35)
Simple reporting server - Mini project
An Arduino controlling web server (25:31)
Controlling web server - Mini projects
Controlling a motor with a web browser (16:42)
Web motor control - Mini projects
Web logging to Nimbits, Part 1 (9:00)
Web logging to Nimbits, Part 2 (18:49)
Nimbits Lecture - Mini project
Social logging to Twitter (16:34)
Logging to Twitter - Mini project
Wireless communications
Wireless connectivity with Bluetooth, Part 1 (12:36)
Wireless connectivity with Bluetooth, Part 2 (9:53)
Bluetooth - Mini projects
Wifi connectivity, Part 1 of 4 (2:46)
Wifi connectivity, Part 2 of 4 (25:34)
Wifi connectivity, Part 3 of 4 (19:36)
Wifi connectivity, Part 4 of 4 (7:01)
Wifi connectivity: upgrading your CC3000 module (10:11)
Using the NRF24L01+ transceiver module (20:18)
Bluetooth Low Energy Part 1: About BLE (12:11)
Bluetooth Low Energy Part 2: The Adafruit nRF8001 module (4:52)
Bluetooth Low Energy Part 3: UART demos (13:15)
Bluetooth Low Energy Part 4: Firmata demo (7:50)
External storage
Reading and writing to an SD card, Part 1 of 3 (13:56)
Reading and writing to an SD card, Part 2 of 3 (10:33)
Reading and writing to an SD card, Part 3 of 3 (9:50)
SD Card lecture - Mini project
EEPROM (internal and external) Part 1: Basic use (11:00)
EEPROM (internal and external) Part 2: the EEPROMex library (5:38)
EEPROM (internal and external) Part 3: Using an external EEPROM (10:39)
Taking a closer look at the Atmega microcontroller
Hardware interrupts Part 1: Introduction (12:18)
Hardware interrupts Part 2: Using volatile variables (5:19)
Hardware interrupts Part 3: Timers (5:09)
Hardware interrupts Part 4: High-definition Pulse Width Modulation (6:13)
Using the build-in pull-up resistors (7:18)
Memory management Part 1: Introduction and Flash (5:50)
Memory Management Part 2: Static RAM (7:52)
Power management with sleep mode and prescaling (23:42)
Integrated circuit peripherals
Hardware switch/button debouncing Part 1: Background (7:18)
Hardware switch/button debouncing Part 2: Demo (8:51)
Shift registers Part 1: What are shift registers (5:35)
Shift registers Part 2: 8-LED circuit (3:51)
Shift registers Part 3: 8-LED circuit (9:29)
Shift registers Part 4: 16-LED circuit (7:34)
Control more devices with a port expander, Part 1: Background and setup (14:26)
Control more devices with a port expander, Part 2: more examples (9:14)
Real time clock, Part 1 of 2 (15:55)
Real time clock, Part 2 of 2 (7:31)
Controlling large loads with relays and friends
Using the TIP22 transistor to control an LED strip (7:46)
Relays Part 1: Introduction (4:58)
Relays Part 2: How NOT to control a relay (15:23)
Relays Part 3: Connect a 12V relay component calculations (10:12)
Relays Part 4: Connect a 12V relay connections (7:52)
Relays Part 5: Relay shields (4:22)
Location sensing
GPS Part 1: An introduction (8:36)
GPS Part 2: Wiring the Adafruit module for direct communication with computer (5:50)
GPS Part 3: Getting and using raw text data from the module (5:42)
GPS Part 4: Using the Adafruit GPS library (16:08)
GPS Part 5: Using the TinyGPS+ library (7:56)
Topics on prototyping
Bare-bones Arduino Part 1: Intro and power circuit (8:46)
Bare-bones Arduino Part 2: Atmega, reset and clock (11:27)
Bare-bones Arduino Part 3: Power LED and testing (8:39)
Create your own printed circuit boards (PCB), Part 1 (18:24)
Create your own printed circuit boards (PCB), Part 2 (20:13)
Using Processing (the language) with the Arduino, Part 1 (15:00)
Using Processing (the language) with the Arduino, Part 2 (12:11)
Create your own Library, Part 1 (17:10)
Create your own Library, Part 2 (27:36)
Quick explorations
Arduino-Raspberry Pi wireless communication with the RF24 (15:40)
A home notification board with a large display (8:18)
Using a magnetometer to detect motion (7:35)
Cheap but reliable wireless communication (10:14)
Video responses
Timing infrared beam interrupts (simulated by buttons) (4:43)
My Arduino and NRF24L modules not communicating. Why? (8:10)
Arduino and Wii Nunchuck problems - how should it behave? (3:20)
What’s wrong with my I2C module/bridge to LCD screen? (11:00)
Controlling piezo buzzer loudness with a potentiometer (9:14)
Using an RC filter for better motor contorl (11:43)
Resistor with photoresistor circuit setup and voltage measurement (7:10)
Instead of a conclusion
Where can you find the source code for the demo sketches? (3:34)
Wifi connectivity, Part 1 of 4
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