Angular: From Beginner to Advanced

The number one resource for Angular developers.

What's Inside

My name is Paul Halliday and I've used Angular since the early 1.0 days. When I heard about Angular 2, I jumped straight in and started learning the new concepts (before NgModule was even released!). At this time, I didn't realise the full potential of TypeScript or the reactive patterns of RxJS.

Skip forward to two years later when Angular 5.x> is about to be released, I've learned a lot about the many design patterns of Angular applications and I'm condensing it down into a course that covers all of this in detail. I recently took a SkillIQ test on PluralSight for Angular, here's my results:

I'm striving to hit the 300 mark as I find myself always learning and creating fun new projects with Angular. Happy to be in the top 94th percentile either way! Going forward throughout the course, we'll be looking at everything from the Angular CLI, to the inner workings of Angular and creating projects involving Firebase and other exciting technologies.

We'll be covering everything from:

  • Angular CLI Deep Dive: Setting up your first Angular project with the Angular CLI.
  • NgModules: Learn about feature modules and core modules.
  • Core Components: Understand the building blocks of Angular.
  • Structural Directives: Make conditional changes to the DOM.
  • Attribute Directives: Stylistic changes based on data.
  • Dependency Injection: Learn how to take advantage of services.
  • Advanced Components: Use @ViewChild and @ContentChild to access child component data.
  • Pipes: Make use of built in Angular pipes and create your own.
  • Design Patterns: Understand why we develop our applications the way we do.
  • Angular Material: Style your applications with Google's Material Design
  • Project: GitHub Profile Searcher: Make use of the topics we've learned to create an application with material design, HttpClient, HttpInterceptors, lazy loaded routing, and much more. Build the final product for production AND deploy this to Firebase Hosting to share this with your friends!
  • ...And more!

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
48415+ Students
80 Lectures
4+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Paul Halliday

I'm always striving to create the courses I wanted when learning how to code. I distill the topics down into easily understandable chunks whilst guiding you through project based courses.

I'm also a Progress Telerik Developer Expert, hold a first class BSc (Hons) Computer Science degree @ UoS and Google accredited Mobile Site professional.

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