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Angular: From Beginner to Advanced
Angular CLI
Introduction to the Angular CLI (1:30)
Installing the Angular CLI (1:00)
Generating a Project with the Angular CLI (2:09)
Using the --dry-run flag (0:36)
Directory Structure (1:19)
Running a project with ng serve (1:19)
Angular CLI.json (1:29)
Using the Angular CLI to Generate Project Files (4:34)
Using the Angular Documentation (0:42)
Running Tests (1:40)
Recap (0:18)
Challenge (0:33)
Main.ts and Application Bootstrap (3:43)
NgModule (5:42)
Core Components
Components 101 (5:49)
Feature Modules (14:08)
Adding Components to a Feature Module (4:58)
Event Binding (5:15)
Template Reference and Event Binding (7:52)
Component Input (4:57)
Output Events (8:18)
Forms Module and NgModel (3:49)
Challenge 1 - Addition Application
Create an Addition Application (0:46)
Solution: How to Create the Addition Application (1:55)
Challenge 2 - Testing the Addition Application
Testing the Application (5:59)
Solution: How to Test the Application (2:16)
Structural Directives
NgIf (1:37)
NgFor (4:49)
NgIfElse (2:01)
NgTemplate Discussion (5:01)
NgSwitch (4:30)
Attribute Directives
Styling with NgStyle (2:44)
Dynamic Styles (3:26)
NgClass (3:17)
Advanced Components
Lifecycle Hooks (3:58)
ViewChild (6:16)
ViewChildren (5:58)
Content Projection (4:25)
ContentChild (3:56)
ContentChildren (2:48)
Dependency Injection
Creating a Service (2:55)
Adding to Module Providers (1:57)
Using the NamesService (1:07)
Injecting Dependencies into Services (2:13)
Built In Pipes
Date Pipe (5:00)
CurrencyPipe (1:39)
JsonPipe (1:40)
LowercasePipe (0:34)
UppercasePipe (0:28)
AsyncPipe - Promises (3:53)
Async Pipe - Observables (3:27)
Custom Pipes (3:55)
Design Patterns
Reducing Import Length
Project 1 - GitHub Application
Project Introduction (0:54)
Creating a New Angular Project (1:55)
Initialising SharedModule and Material Design (3:46)
GitHub Search Form (4:41)
FormControl and Error Validation (3:28)
Adding Application Routes (3:51)
Core Module and Page Not Found Route (4:33)
FeatureModule and Components (1:26)
Defining Child Routes and Lazy Loading (4:00)
Using routerLink to Navigate Between Routes (3:07)
Using HttpClient (3:16)
CoreModule forRoot (1:33)
Importing CoreModule (2:20)
Getting ActivatedRoute Parameters (2:25)
Displaying User Information as Observable (2:54)
User Interface - Card Detail (5:47)
Navigating Back (1:05)
Creating and Registering a HttpInterceptor (4:34)
Custom Request Headers with HttpInterceptor (2:17)
Capturing Http Errors and Displaying Snackbar (5:45)
Building for Production (0:56)
Deploying to Firebase Hosting (2:56)
Recap (1:47)
Angular Material
Angular Material (6:59)
MdToolbar (2:29)
Output Events
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