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Mastering Linux Command Line ( + Live Linux Labs)
Level "0"
On-Demand Lab Access
Course Overview (6:42)
How 2 GET BEST out of this course? (3:32)
Getting Started
History ( <4 mins) (3:51)
Linux Architecture & Features (4:53)
Shells (3:22)
Lab Setup (2:07)
Connecting To Linux Machine (5:44)
Linux Command Structure & Basic Commands - cd, ls (14:43)
Getting HELP on a Linux System? Where is F1? (8:37)
Internal and External Commands (2:51)
Command-line Productivity Tricks - 1 (3:20)
Understanding Linux File System
Linux File System Organization (12:46)
File Types (5:00)
Home Directory (7:30)
File Naming Restrictions (8:32)
Understanding Paths (13:36)
What are dot ( . ) files? (4:52)
Navigating File System (5:54)
Wild Cards (9:10)
Few Basic Commands (5:31)
Running Multiple Commands (1:45)
Command Substitution (2:54)
Create Your Own Commands with alias (4:39)
Working with Directories & Files
Working with Directories - Part 1 (6:30)
Working with Directories - Part 2 (4:28)
Working with Files - wc (5:12)
Working with Files - cat, tac, rev (3:36)
Working with Files - more (8:08)
Working with Files - less (9:52)
Working with Files - head, tail (8:16)
Working with Files - Copy, Move, Delete.. (13:16)
Working with Files - create (3:04)
Working with Files - splitting (11:53)
Standard I/O & Redirection
Standard I/O Concepts (7:13)
Redirection (11:27)
Terminal and Null Files (6:43)
File Descriptors Usage (8:51)
Using "I" (pipe) - sort & uniq commands (6:26)
Users, Groups & Switching User
Understanding Users & Groups (10:29)
The "root" account (3:22)
Switching Users - su command (3:32)
The sudo command (2:38)
File Attributes and Permissions
Understanding File Attributes (5:28)
Understanding Permissions (7:22)
LinuxCL_07.05_FileAtt_and_Perms_ls_l_output_demo (12:52)
Changing ownership and Permissions bits of a file (10:30)
Understanding Numeric Format (11:34)
Understanding Default Permissions (umask) (9:45)
"file" command (2:41)
Editing Files using "vi" editor
vi Editor - Basic Concepts (5:30)
vi Editor - Part 1 (18:47)
vi Editor - Part 2 (11:04)
vi Editor - Part 3 (12:25)
vi Editor - Part 4 (12:27)
vi Editor - Part 5 (7:02)
vi Editor - Part 6 (1:38)
vi Editor - Part 7 (11:35)
vi Editor - Part 8 (3:23)
Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions - Part 1 (15:23)
Regular Expressions - Part 2 (6:30)
Text Processing - Filters & Searching
"cut" command (10:56)
"paste" command (7:43)
"tr" command (14:45)
tee command (5:03)
"sort" & "uniq" commands (7:51)
"grep" command (10:31)
"find" command - Part 1 (18:35)
"find" command - Part 2 (14:29)
Understanding Links (Hard & Soft/Symbolic)
Hard Link & Soft Link Concepts & Demo (14:13)
The Process
Process, Parent Process, Child Process, PID & PPID (2:44)
Types of Processes - FG, BG, Daemon (2:21)
Viewing the Running Processes (ps command) (13:04)
"nohup" command (8:43)
"time" command (2:23)
Signals (1:39)
Killing/Terminating processes using "kill" command (6:46)
Job Control - jobs, fg, bg (8:22)
Scheduling Concepts (5:53)
"at" command & "batch" command (6:16)
Using "cron" (13:55)
Handy Tools/Utilities
Archiving Files using tar - Part 1 (15:43)
Archiving Files using tar - Part 2 (16:02)
Finding System Information (9:06)
Shutdown and Reboot (5:56)
Connecting to Linux Systems
Direct GUI Login (1:42)
Putty Installation (1:36)
SSH from a Windows to Linux Machine (3:05)
SSH from a Linux to Linux Machine (1:55)
SSH from a MAC to Linux Machine (0:50)
Customizing Shell Environment
Shell Prompt Customization (8:18)
Bash Shell Special Files (19:15)
alias Command (5:02)
Variables, Env Variables and source command (10:44)
Shell Scripting Basics
Shell Scripting Absolute Basics (9:41)
VirtualBox - Installation (4:08)
VirtualBox - Interface Walk-thru (5:04)
VirtualBox - Creating a Virtual Machine (7:25)
VirtualBox -Installing Ubuntu OS (4:29)
AWS - Creating AWS Account (3:12)
AWS - Creating a Linux EC2 instance & SSH to it (16:54)
Hard Link & Soft Link Concepts & Demo
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