The Art of Mindfulness Meditation

How to Meditate Deeply Without Silencing Your Mind

What's Inside

Mindfulness Meditation should be a practice that anyone can benefit from. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion and complication around this simple practice. This course will make it clear, simple and easy for you to practice mindfulness.

  • 6,600+ Students in 150 Countries

Here's what students have to say:

"Very informative and well delivered, Ken is easy to listen to and very knowledgable, love the guided meditation! Thank you"

-Faye Couchman

"This course is a wonderful introduction to Mindfulness Meditation. The instructor has a tremendous gift for summary and your time will *not* be wasted. When carefully reviewed, It will become obvious that a great deal of work has gone into making this course flow well and stay tightly focused on real results. Even on the first pass through the course I've received tangible benefits. It is evident throughout this course that Ken Wells has worked very hard with the ideas presented, achieved remarkable results in return for his effort, and has a sincere desire to help 'others'."

-Brian Hicks

"Truly excellent Course . Tons of exercises and very practical ideas. What I love about the course is that Ken makes it very clear that we can only get benefits from this material if we try and practice. Personally, I am very big on that."

-Braco Pobric

"Great content. if you just started to meditate and you are new to this practice, Ken Wells really explains what Mindfulness Meditation means. He explains really well and he has great material to support the course."

-Christiana Eliott

"Another great course by Ken. For new folks, I would suggest his first course, Meditation for Beginners. It introduces basic concepts and hits on the why behind meditation. This one is significantly more dense, but no less enjoyable. Kens' guided meditations are worth their weight in gold and will help you to deepen your meditation practice. Great work Ken, Thanks again."

-Wade Michels

What will I be able to do after enrolling in this course?

  • Build Motivation for Practicing Mindfulness
  • Increase Your Concentration
  • Quiet Your "Inner Critic"
  • Experience Greater Self-Awareness
  • Overcome Negative Thinking
  • Relax Your Body at Will
  • Experience Peace of Mind Throughout Your Day
  • Overcome Negative Thinking
  • Reduce Anxiety
  • Consistently Create States of Deep Relaxation
  • Avoid Excessive Worry
  • Maintain Composure and Poise
  • Dissolve Inauthentic Aspects of Yourself
  • Deepen Your Spiritual Awareness
  • Develop a Consistent Mindfulness Practice

What will I learn?

  • "The Awakened Body Guided Meditation"
  • "The Mindful Breath Exercise"
  • The Importance of Learning In The Flow Zone
  • "The Integrative Breathing Exercise"
  • "The Breath of Life Guided Meditation"
  • "The Mindful Body Exercise"
  • "The Active Body Exercise"
  • "The Choice-less Observer Meditation"
  • “The Peaceful Mind Guided Meditation”
  • How to Escape the Prison of the Mind
  • "The Everyday Observer"
  • "The Pathless Path to The Ever-Present One Guided Meditation"
  • Dissolving All That You Are Not

This course is about more than just how to practice mindfulness meditation. It's going to give you a fresh perspective on what mindfulness is and provide powerful, direct methods that will show you how to meditate deeply using mindfulness meditation. No more trying to silence your mind in order to experience deep meditation.

This is a Complete Mindfulness Meditation Course that will teach you exactly how to live more peacefully, enjoy your life more fully and experience more happiness and better health.

All with a small time investment, starting with as little as 5 minutes per day and gradually building to about 30 minutes per day.

This course will walk you through specifically why, what, when, where and exactly how to mindfully meditate and how to meditate deeply using easy to use mindfulness meditation techniques.

Are you looking for how to relax quickly by using natural relaxation techniques?

Are you interested in overcoming anxiety without the use of drugs?

Do you want to learn how to reduce stress?

Mindfulness is the single best thing you can do for your mental, emotional & physical health.

It explains exactly how mindfulness works and how to practice mindfulness in your everyday life, giving you the ability to relax at will.

There are also Advanced Mindfulness Meditation Techniques that will help you to greatly increase the depth of your practice and enhance your Spiritual Awareness.

Why You Should Take This Course:

  1. Greater Peace & Relaxation
  2. Less Ruminative Thinking
  3. Increased Clarity of Mind
  4. Better Mental, Emotional & Physical Health
  5. More Mental Discipline
  6. Increased Concentration & Focus
  7. Enhanced Creativity
  8. Decreased Stress
  9. Increased Productivity
  10. More Self Confidence
  11. Greater Self-Awareness
  12. Greater Spiritual Awareness
  13. Reduced Stress & Anxiety
  14. More Happiness
  15. Make Less Mistakes at Work and in Your Social Life
  16. Increased Mental Strength & Mental Toughness
  17. Greater Intuition
  18. Better Organizational Skills
  19. Faster cognitive functioning

Some Questions This Course Answers:

  • Is it really worth it to practice mindfulness?
  • How do mindfulness practices work, and what are their benefits?
  • How can mindfulness benefit your work?
  • How do you practice mindfulness meditation?
  • How exactly can a person watch his or her thoughts?
  • What are the best mindfulness exercises?
  • How can I meditate in a house in a city where I hear car alarms and motorcycle noises?
  • My mind is always looking for reason to worry, why and what can I do for that?
  • Why is it so hard to meditate?
  • How does mindfulness affect the brain?
  • Why is it so hard to completely quiet one's mind during meditation?
  • How can I learn to live in the present?
  • Does mindfulness actually help to relieve stress?
  • Are the benefits of mindfulness proven scientifically?
  • Am I doing this right?
  • What are some proper mindfulness meditation techniques?

What Should I Do Now?

Give this course a chance to help you relieve stress and live more peacefully by enrolling today. Mindfulness meditation can truly change your life, it did mine. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the inside if you choose to enroll.

Get started now!

48442+ Students
28 Lectures
1+ Hours of Video
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Instructor Rating
Ken Wells & Dr. Jakob Bargak

Ken Wells Overview:

*40,000+ Students in 142 countries*

I teach forward thinking, open-minded individuals how to reshape their perception of themselves. This is so they can clearly identify and effectively reach their true goals while finding more meaning, joy and personal freedom along the way.

Whether that goal is more money, more happiness, better relationships, greater spiritual awareness or simply to experience less anxiety and frustration.

I do this by using the same techniques and approaches used by Professional Athletes, World Class Business Executives as well as Creative Geniuses. This is all set against a backdrop of raising your Spiritual Awareness.

I believe that goal achievement is more about personal transformation than anything else.

Despite having many disadvantages starting out, I was able to dramatically improve just about every area of my life.

I went from deeply depressed to consistently happy, broke to financially abundant, repaired my relationships, anxious to peaceful, started my own successful business, overcome addictions, dramatically improved my physical health and went from feeling isolated and disconnected to feeling truly connected and whole mentally, physically and spiritually.

Nowadays, I get to do what I love, which is help other people become happier and have more personal freedom and find new ways to live the type of lifestyle that they choose.

All this has come about primarily by changing my perception.

What do you truly want? Let me teach you how to get there...

Other Facts:

  • Certified Mental Strength Coach
  • 15 years experience with Wellness Practices & Peak Performance Techniques
  • 20 year track record of success in Business & Sports
  • 8 Courses - All are Top Paid, Best-Selling Courses in Their Categories
  • Member of A.C.E. (Association for Coaching Excellence)
  • Short, Crisp Lectures - I take out everything that isn't necessary. No more watching 15 minute lectures only to get 5 minutes of actual content.

Dr. Bargak Overview:

I have been treating patients for more than 30 years. During the time I have always used treatment methods that help people fast and effectively without side effects.

Acupressure has made it possible for me to do so. It can treat various diseases of the nervous system, lungs, heart, stomach and other organs. It can also provide emergency help e.g. with infections and poisonings. I apply the acupressure to treat both children and adults.

My wealth of experience has been published in more than 120 scientific publications and inventions during my work as a Professor.

I wish you good health! See you in my next Course!


Dr. Bargak

  • 30 Years experience treating patients all-naturally and his work has been published in over 120 scientific publications
  • 44 Online Courses on Acupressure & Over 11,733+ Students Globally
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