Learn to Reskin Android Apps for Fun & Profit

Make Mobile Apps Your Business with Only Minimum Investment!

What's Inside

Ever wanted to create a mobile game, but didn’t know where to start? This course will show you step-by-step how to legally edit existing code in order to make a game your own, with zero coding experience. This is known as “reskinning” and is the perfect way to bring your best app ideas to life without spending loads of cash on hiring developers and designers. Some of the most profitable games are modified versions of existing games – so sit back, relax, and learn to reskin existing apps from the comfort of your couch.

  • Master app reskinning w/ over 7 hours of in-depth training
  • Study advanced topics like ASO, graphics editing, sound editing, etc.
  • Have fun & make money reskinning Android apps
  • Save money creating apps from scratch by legally modify an existing one
  • Learn to publish your apps & attract millions of potential users on Google Play Store and other Android Marketplace

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
52237+ Students
48 Lectures
7+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Cristian Gradisteanu

Cristian Gradisteanu is a software developer responsible for the development of management software products. His areas of expertise include programming languages like Java, Objective-C, C#, C++, PHP, and Ruby, and system administration. Cristian is very passionate about teaching people interesting topics every day, and believes learning is a continuous process.

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