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Learn to Reskin Android Apps for Fun & Profit
Course introduction
Few words about me (0:29)
Course objectives (1:17)
What is App Reskinning (3:10)
How much money do you need to get started (7:26)
Development Environment Setup
Installing Java JDK on Windows (7:41)
Installing Java JDK on Mac OS X (3:46)
What is Android Studio ? (1:18)
Installing Android Studio (3:54)
Installing additional components (5:34)
Updating Android Studio (3:33)
Where to look for help when got stuck (10:16)
App Reskinning
Search for source code on GitHub (4:24)
Finding source code on other websites (9:22)
How to pick a game or what to avoid when choosing one (8:54)
Importing the source code in Android Studio (10:48)
Running the game in the emulator (3:17)
Editing car image part 1 (12:13)
Editing car image part 2 (3:34)
Renaming the Package ID (7:27)
Changing the Ad IDs (9:29)
Adding Interstitial Ads to your game (26:34)
Replacing music files (10:43)
Changing the game icon (15:51)
Running the game on a real device (10:01)
Odesk account creation and job posting (14:33)
Using Fiverr Gigs (6:22)
App publishing
Creating your Google Developer account (4:40)
Generating the release version APK (4:38)
Creating your Google Play Store listing (24:29)
Monetizing Apps
Android Apps Monetizing (7:11)
Introduction to Android Studio - the new IDE from Google (20:51)
Adding Google Analytics to your Game (19:03)
Installing Genymotion (7:48)
Updating from Google AdMob SDK to Google Play Services Library (24:15)
Adding RevMob to your Game (14:32)
Adding Chartboost to your Game (17:05)
It's all about Keywords (19:57)
Publishing your App on other Android Marketplaces (8:41)
Older videos - Eclipse IDE version
Installing Java JDK (5:27)
Eclipse with ADT plugin - download and install (4:40)
Installing Eclipse with ADT in Android Studio era (7:55)
Configuring Eclipse IDE (6:28)
Importing source code in Eclipse (7:27)
Editing car image PART 1 (7:59)
Editing car image PART 2 (8:54)
Creating your KeyStore and signing the APK (4:01)
Installing BlueStacks and running the game (5:24)
Renaming the Package ID (5:27)
Few words about me
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