Analytics for Startups

Learn what to measure, how to measure and analytics best practices.

What's Inside

I spend a significant amount of my time helping startups with their analytics, tracking what their users are doing, and using these to create or optimize growth experiments.

In fact, I spend so much time helping companies decide what data to track, and how to track and interpret results that I've long thought about developing an online course to teach it.

Challenge is, teaching analytics is tricky. Every company has drastically different needs, which is why I'm proposing a new approach to an online class.

After giving an overview of startup analytics, I'll field specific questions to YOUR situation.

A lot of these questions will apply to other people, so with your permission I'll convert the common answers into video lectures that the entire class can watch.

From time to time, I'll also feature other analytics experts who will touch on particular topics including:

1. Cassie Lancellotti-Young, currently VP of Optimization and Analytics at Sailthru. We've included a few of her lectures – Cassie goes all out in her in-person course on Cohort Analysis in NYC.

2. Nabeel Hyatt, Venture Partner at Spark Capital and previous GM at Zynga.

I've also gone to include case studies from top startups such as Khan Academy, YouTube, Airbnb, Discqus and BranchOut.

Finally, I'll show you the analytics I track for my OWN product - GrowHack Learn. Meta, right? You can see what metrics we are tracking here on this website and how we're using it to improve the product.

A strong understanding of your metrics is the backbone of any sustainable growth program. For the course, I've set an introductory $49, which I'm planning to increase as the course develops.

I'm excited to see what we can achieve collectively in this class.

Talk soon,

P.S. I'm also including the analytics spreadsheet that I have previously reserved only to companies that pay me thousands of dollars in monthly consulting fees.

The conference goes into topics such as which metrics top investors like Josh Elman Partner at GreyLock and early Product Lead at Twitter look for, as well as how Path uses analytics to guide design decisions.

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Conrad Wadowski

I'm Conrad, a Partner at GrowHack and Founder of the User Growth Bootcamp, the school which trains teams working on new products to do growth. Before, I worked on user acquisition and product for Series-A funded companies and Quotidian Ventures in NYC. In the past, I've launched products in multiple industries with work featured in WSJ, Forbes, Business Insider and ZDNet.

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