The Complete Data Scientist eBook Bundle

Master Data Analysis, Visualization & Computing Using Various Platforms with 10 Awesome eBooks from Packt Publishing

What's Inside

Courses Included with Purchase

Big Data Visualization
Learn effective tools and techniques to separate big data into manageable and logical components for efficient data visualization
Applied Data Visualization with R and ggplot2
Create useful, elaborate, and visually appealing plots
Data Analysis with Python [Book]
A Modern Approach
Data Analysis with R - Second Edition
A comprehensive guide to manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing data in R
Hands-On Data Analysis with NumPy and pandas
Implement Python packages from data manipulation to processing
R Data Analysis Projects
Build end to end analytics systems to get deeper insights from your data
Java Data Analysis
Data mining, big data analysis, NoSQL, and data visualization
IPython Interactive Computing and Visualization Cookbook - Second Edition
Over 100 hands-on recipes to sharpen your skills in high-performance numerical computing and data science in the Jupyter Notebook
Hands-On Data Visualization with Bokeh
Interactive web plotting for Python using Bokeh
Getting Started with Haskell Data Analysis
Put your data analysis techniques to work and generate publication-ready visualizations

Original Price $351

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