Speed Reading Mastery

Learn The Strategies I Used To Double My Reading Speed In 30 Days, Practicing Just 15 Minutes A Day

What's Inside

QUESTION: Do you want to DOUBLE, even TRIPLE your reading speed in the next 30 days?

A month and a half ago, I created a reading course on How to Read 300 Non-Fiction Books This Year. I was blown away by the response. But there was one question I kept getting...

What about fiction?

Because that course is all about going through books to extract information from non-fiction books you can use in your life -- which means sometimes you'll be reading every word, sometimes you won't. But what about reading fiction books, or textbooks, or books you need to read every word in? Is there a system that works for that just as well as my system for non-fiction books?

So I spent a month going through every speed reading book, video and article to answer that question for my students. And in the process, after going through a lot of fluff in most other courses, came up with what I believe to be the simplest, most direct system to permanently doubling or tripling your reading speed in the next 30 days.

Although, you can take the techniques and instantly read more quickly, this is no magic pill. Because I'm more interested in teaching you the skillof speed reading which can last a lifetime, than teaching you to read just a little bit more quickly.

Inside, I'll show you why we read slowly, and exactly what to do about it. And if you really want to reach your maximum reading speed, it will take 15 minutes of practice every day. For that reason, this is not for everybody.

But if you are willing to put in a little bit of time every day for a month to benefit for years, here's exactly what we'll cover...

1. How to make sure you read every day

2. The 5 causes of slow reading we learned in school (and still do to this day)

3. How to cure all 5 causes of slow reading

4. The difference between reading and practicing speed reading -- and when to do each

5. The 4 stages of reading you'll have to go through from learning to read to becoming a speed reader

6. Four techniques you can use to reach your maximum reading potential

7. The secret to understanding everything you read

8. The two tools you can use to use to learn to read even faster in your spare time

9. And more...

There's no skill more valuable than reading. To learn to double, or even triple your reading speed in the next 30 days, click the "Take This Course" button in the top right. There's a 30 day money back guarantee, so there's nothing to lose, but a lifetime of faster reading to gain.

To your success,


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Brandon Hakim

I'm On A Quest To Give You The Education You'll Never Get In School.

The things that the world's highest achievers spent their entire lives discovering, that no professor or teacher will ever tell you.

Because when I was in college, I was mad. I’d just read a book and everything inside was the opposite of what I was learning in all my classes.

So I ran into the dean’s office and said "I'm literally learning more from the books I get on Amazon for five bucks than these classes that cost thousands of dollars each!"

And all she had to tell me is...they're working on it!

So when I walked out that day, I swore I’d teach myself the things I should have learned in school. And I started reading LOTS of books….now over a thousand on everything from meditation to making money. And I realized ONE BIG THING…

Everyone who’s excelled in any area of life knew things we’re never taught in school.

They were Insiders.

They discovered the truth about finding their purpose and creating a perfect vision to work towards. Or about motivation and productivity, financial freedom, having authentic relationships, changing the world, persuading people, learning incredibly quickly or celebrating their hundredth birthday still in perfect health.

Meanwhile in college we didn’t learn any of this stuff. Instead we’re forced to pay tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to memorize facts so we could write them on a piece of paper.

So if you want to live a life miles beyond the “regular” life, you'll have to learn less from a classroom, and more from the people who have actually gotten the things you want.

And my goal is to condense tens of thousands of pages of reading in different subjects to help you become way more productive and make a lasting impact on the world.

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