Self-Publish A Book On Amazon ...That Readers Love!

It's Easy to Self-publish a Great Book When You Know How

What's Inside

A full year of the Savvy Non-Fiction Writer's Club!



It's time to become a successful non-fiction writer!

Let me give you an intensive course in non-fiction writing for fun or profit, plus the help you need to succeed as a blogger, writer or non-fiction author.

I'm Bryan Collins, a trained journalist, professional copywriter, Amazon author and blogger.

I'd like you to enjoy my ultimate program in non-fiction writing - the Savvy Non-Fiction Writers' Club.

Inside, I’ll show you step-by-step how to write non-fiction books, blog posts, articles and more. And you'll get help at every step of the way.


  • Master the craft skills quickly you need to publish your articles and posts.
  • Get unique 'how to do it' templates you can use immediately to write non-fiction or blog posts that succeed.
  • Gain one-to-one help with your non-fiction blog posts, articles or books.

So what's unique about the Savvy Non-Fiction Writer’s Club?

I’ve distilled the winning craft techniques of success non-fiction writers and bloggers so you can use them too. This means you get non-fiction writing strategies that work.

Unlike many other writing courses, this course is affordable, you can cancel at anytime and take it at your own pace.

Get started now!

Certificate Available
1052+ Students
10 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
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Bryan Collins

Bryan Collins is an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work

Claim a free book of writing prompts on Become a Writer Today. You can also read his writings on 100% Unfinished.

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