Python SciPy: The Open Source Python Library

The Open Source Python Library

What's Inside

Computational computing can be a complex topic. How to perform various mathematical functions in code isn't straight forward.

With Python's Scipy library, we'll walk through a number of examples showing exactly how to create and execute complex computational computing functions.

The course starts with an explanation of what Scipy is. Then we see how to install it. From there, we get into simple mathematical computations and and move into more advanced computations. The last few lessons demonstrate the full capabilities of Scipy.

Scipy is for those that need to perform rigorous, complex computations and not have the program bog down computing them. If you're ready to see how to create even the most complex mathematical functions in code, this course is for you.

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1677+ Students
8 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
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Instructor Rating
Mark Trego

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