Learning Automation Using Python | Python Scripting

Python for beginners | Python Fundamentals | Learn Essential piece of Python using Labs | Python Programming | Python 3

What's Inside

*** This Course purchase includes video lectures, practice files, quizzes, & assignments, 1-on-1 instructor support, LIFETIME access and a 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE***

This course is designed for both absolute beginners or people with some programming experience looking to learn Python which is one of the highest in-demand skill by employers in IT industry. The key point which makes this course unique is that it is fast yet detailed. This course provides sufficient details to you to design and develop your own Python solution. Unlike many other Python courses, This course is concise and you can complete it over a weekend.

If you are looking for a course which just not help you in getting started with Python but can also enable you to think in terms of automating the different repetitive task which you see around you, It is right course for you.

Key Topics:

Python Installation and Configuration(Creating VM in public cloud included)

Python Overview (for Python Beginners)

Why Python is preferred (for Python Beginners)

Object Introspection in Python

How to utilize Python's Interactive Help

Python Inbuilt Functions

Python Input, Output from Console

Schedule and Execute Python Scripts as

Python Programming Basics

Python Data Types

Python Collections

List data Structure in Python

Set data Structure in Python

Python Dictionaries

Range and Iterations in Python

Python Functions

Python *args and *kwargs

Python File handling

Exception Handling using Python

Python Modules

Python Database Interaction

Python Scripting for Automation

Learn Python Scripting for enhancing office productivity

Python Programming is immensely getting popular and this course serves as a foundation and covers basic concepts of Python for beginners. So If you are beginner in Python and want to explore carrier in Python Programming, You are most welcome to enroll in this course and take your skills to next level.

If you know Python already and just want to advance your skills, this course is an excellent source to refresh your Python knowledge quickly

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
527+ Students
35 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Vijay Saini

Vijay is an IT professional who has diversified knowledge across multiple domains in the industry. Working in a leading cloud service provider company, he has truly shown potential in automating small to large scale automation which truly resulted in cost benefits for the business and a successfully carrier.

Vijay has vast knowledge of PHP, DBMS, Python, Django and specialization in automation using PowerShell.

He loves to teach from very beginning and StackSkills is the platform that helps him in continuation of the same passion.

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