Deep Learning with Python

Complete hands-on deep learning tutorial with Python. Learn to create Deep Learning Algorithms in Python with my course.

What's Inside

Hello there,

Welcome to the “Deep Learning with Python” course.

In this course, we will learn what is Deep Learning and how does it work.

This course has suitable for everybody who interested in Machine Learning and Deep Learning concepts.

First of all, in this course, we will learn some fundamental stuff of Python and the Numpy library. These are our first steps in our Deep Learning journey. After then we take a little trip to Machine Learning history. Then we will arrive at our next stop. Machine Learning. Here we learn the machine learning concepts, machine learning workflow, models and algorithms, and what is neural network concept. After then we arrive at our next stop. Artificial Neural network. And now our journey becomes an adventure. In this adventure we'll enter the Keras world then we exit the Tensorflow world. Then we'll try to understand the Convolutional Neural Network concept. But our journey won't be over. Then we will arrive at Recurrent Neural Network and LTSM. We'll take a look at them. After a while, we'll trip to the Transfer Learning concept. And then we arrive at our final destination. Projects. Our play garden. Here we'll make some interesting machine learning models with the information we've learned along our journey.

In this course, we will start from the very beginning and go all the way to the end of "Deep Learning" with examples.

Before we start this course, we will learn which environments we can be used for developing deep learning projects.

During the course you will learn:

  1. Fundamental stuff of Python and its library Numpy
  2. What is the AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
  3. History of Machine Learning
  4. Turing Machine and Turing Test
  5. The Logic of Machine Learning such as
    • Understanding the machine learning models
    • Machine Learning models and algorithms
    • Gathering data
    • Data pre-processing
    • Choosing the right algorithm and model
    • Training and testing the model
    • Evaluation
  6. Artificial Neural Network with these topics
    • What is ANN
    • Anatomy of NN
    • Tensor Operations
    • The Engine of NN
    • Keras
    • Tensorflow
  7. Convolutional Neural Network
  8. Recurrent Neural Network and LTSM
  9. Transfer Learning

Finally, we will make four different projects to reinforce what we have learned.

Why would you want to take this course?

Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching.

When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise.

Video and Audio Production Quality

All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience.

You will be,

  • Seeing clearly
  • Hearing clearly
  • Moving through the course without distractions

You'll also get:

  • Lifetime Access to The Course

If you are ready to learn "Deep Learning with Python"

Dive in now! See you in the course!

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
1900+ Students
59 Lectures
10+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
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