Practical Web Programming 101

Build A Functional, End To End Website with Real Time Feedback!

What's Inside

Why take this course?

Three main reasons:

1. It's taught by an experienced programmer who can show you the kinds of unique insights no other person here can

2. To become GREAT at web development, you have to learn how to integrate multiple skills. This course does just that.

3. You will acquire years worth of skills and insights in only 10.5 hours

I have been doing website development for nearly two decades, in this course I will demonstrate how to integrate a suite of powerful technologies to build an interactive and fully functional modern website. This website has features like order placing, real time order tracking, and more! You'll learn how to use each of the following technologies like an coding hero:

1. JavaScript, used to add dynamic features to the website

2. CSS, used to layout the website

3. C#, used to power the backend of the website

4. HTML, used to structure the overall web pages

5. SQL Lite, used as an information storage system

6. IIS, used as a web server

7. jQuery, used as a way of making interactive pages

8. JSON, used to transfer information

9. Website design you can use in your own professional website

Thanks for reading, and if you're ready to push your skills much higher, JOIN TODAY!


1. jQuery is a trademark of the JS foundation. This course is not affiliated with the JS foundation.

2. Parts of promo licensed from presentermedia

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
54062+ Students
68 Lectures
9+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Erik Owsiak

I started working with programming and technology way back in the 90's when a 200 MHz Pentium 1 was a speed demon; things sure have changed since. As programming and hardware matured over time so did I working with it. This gives me a unique prospective on what it is that really matters when it comes to programming. Over the years I have seen a few technologies come and go but a few basics have stayed and I am sure those basics will be with us a 100 years from now. I hope that as you take my courses I can relay those basic truths to you. A programming language is nothing more than a tool, like a hammer to a carpenter; it is not the hammer that makes quality furniture but the carpenter. Over the course of my career I have worked on many different projects, which led me to work with many programming languages from C/C++, C#, php, JavaScript/JScript,, python, Lua to name just a few.

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