The Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance

Everything you need to save thousands of dollars, from budgeting to buying a car or house.

What's Inside

In this course, I plan to go into great detail on every aspect of personal finance, as well as how you can immediately begin saving thousands of dollars every year and feel great about your financial future for the rest of your life. In case you couldn't tell, finance is incredibly exciting to me, and I hope the knowledge taught in this course will bring you all of the same success it's brought me, saving nearly $15,000 every year using the knowledge I'll be teaching you.

Although many courses on here are taught via lecture slides and voice-overs, I personally hated learning that way and found it very hard to focus. I'm not going to just read off a slide while I sit in my underwear, I'm going to speak directly to you throughout the course in order to keep your attention and have some fun, in addition to walking you through various programs, easy PowerPoint slides, and processes through live screen recordings, with nearly 3 hours of engaging, extremely high-quality 1080p HD video content (filmed on a camera I spent way too much money on, just for this course).

You should enroll in my course not only because I've been creating highly in-depth budgets in order to live a very comfortable lifestyle for the past 5 years, but because I will provide you with all of the necessary tools and every ounce of knowledge for you to do the same. Everything from Excel templates to negotiation tools, I made learning the lessons taught in this course as efficient as possible. In addition to that, I will always be available as a mentor for my students to answer questions and guide you along the way.

Whether you're a college student ready to break out into the real world, or an experienced working professional looking to save more money to ensure a more comfortable retirement, I can assure you anyone will find value in this course that will last a lifetime.

I can assure you that the cost of the course alone will be saved within your first month of budgeting. If you're not completely happy with it, let me know and I will personally find a way to ensure I've helped you in one way or another.

Thank you, and I hope to be teaching you soon!

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Certificate Available
51490+ Students
19 Lectures
2+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Justin Kelsey

While my friends in high school were playing video games and planning what movie to see on Friday night, I was planning my next business venture. By the age of 18, I had already owned and operated five successful companies, saving enough money to nearly pay for college on my own.

I was fortunate enough to attend one of the top public business programs in the country, where I dedicated four years to fine-tuning my skills in finance and business management. For each of those thrilling college years, I had budgeted down to the dollar how much money I would spend each semester (including the "social" expenses), and frequently helped friends do the same. Who wouldn't love seeing their bank account balance six months in advance?

Although receiving a full-time offer from Amazon after completing a leadership internship with them, I discovered my true passion lies within consulting. There's no better feeling at the end of the day than knowing you've helped a company grow, and working for the top consulting firm in the middle-market has given me the incredible opportunity to make a difference on a weekly basis.

My course materials will not only cover the core fundamentals of business, broken down into concepts so simple that even children could understand, but also include all of my personal Excel workbooks and programs (such as Quicken) that I've developed to help me along the way. These include everything from an in-depth pricing tool when buying a car (saving me roughly 20% on mine), to a simple-yet-effective budget to use when planning your next 6 months.

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