Hacking and Penetration Testing from Scratch with METASPLOIT

Learn how to test security mechanisms and how to conduct penetration tests on working machines or databases. Hacking 101

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Hacking and Penetration Testing from Scratch with METASPLOIT

Learn how to test security mechanisms and how to conduct penetration tests on working machines or databases. Ethical Hacking 101

Ethical Hacking Hands-On Course


Before we begin: the practical use of the course you are going to see has been proven by thousands of people all over the world – beginners and computer geeks as well. People who make their first steps in computer / network security and professionals: network administrators, programmers, pentesters, black- and white hat hackers. Please, read carefully what we'd like to share with you.

Welcome to IT Secutiry Academy! IT Security Academy (ISA) is a company that associates ITsec Professionals. Now we are proud to share our knowledge online. Certified experts (CISS, MCSE:MS, CEH, CISSP) have created courses from Beginner to Advanced level. Our goal is to provide the highest quality materials you've ever seen online and prepare you not only for certification exams, but also teach you pratical skills. You're welcome to join us and start your training now.

About the training

Learn the most popular pentesting framework: METASPLOIT.

If you are thinking about IT security seriously - you need to know Metasploit. Learn how to use it, how to conduct an attack, how to find vulnerabilities and patch them.

Find security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations & manage security assessments with Metasploit.

First complete training explained from scratch. You will see on step-by-step presentations what to do. IT Security Adacemy Expert will explain how it works and how to use Metasploit.

Take your IT sec knowledge to the next level.

Get started now!

51004+ Students
8 Lectures
2+ Hours of Video
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IT Security Academy

IT Security Academy is a company that associates IT Security Professionals. Now we are proud to share our knowledge online. Certified experts (MCSE:MS, CISSP, CEH) have created courses from Beginner to Advanced level. Our goal is to provide the highest quality materials you’ve ever seen online and prepare you not only for passing certification exams, but teach you pratical skills.

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