Microsoft Power BI - The Complete Masterclass

Master Power BI Desktop, Cloud & Mobile and advanced analytics with DAX

What's Inside

Do you want to learn the skills to professionally analyze data?

Do you want to learn all the steps to create impressive reports?

Then Microsoft Power BI is the right tool for you!

In this course you will learn – step by step – everything that is important in Power BI to become an advanced Power BI report creator.

That’s what you’ll learn:

Power BI Desktop, Power BI Cloud & Power BI Mobile!

✓ Understand everything from scratch – step by step, very structured and practice-oriented

Learn all the important tools – know when and how to use them properly

✓ Connect different data sources – from basics to advanced

Create your data model – and understand it

Master DAX – to do more advanced analysis on your data

Get to know all the different visualizations – and how to use them

Storytelling with data – learn how to visualize your data effectively

Create interactive visualizations – with drill throughs and drill downs

Advanced analysis – learn how to use R Script in Power BI (Data Science)

Forecasting – Advanced analytics which can be helpful in Data Science

Row-Level Security – Implement the security concept to control access to the data

This course is right for you if...

... you have never worked with Power BI and want to learn everything hands-on in one course.

... OR you have already some basic knowledge and want to dive deeper and become more advanced in the whole universe of Power BI.

This is the course that covers everything in Power BI to become an advanced report devolopper!

Enroll now to get life long access!

Course Curriculum

This course is closed for enrollment.

Certificate Available
10670+ Students
163 Lectures
15+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Nikolai Schuler

My name is Nikolai Schuler, my background is that I am a Mathematician but when I started to work in the real life - I had no experience working with data. But exactly that helped me to understand how you can acquire the relevant skills as quickly as possible - and I am super excited about equipping you with the skillset to master Data Science and Data Analytics as well!

My goal is to spread the necessary skills to become an outstanding Data Analyst and Data Scientist and so far in my courses I have reached people now in more than 130 countries. In all my courses am combining my real-life experience as a Data Scientist with the relevant theory.

I am a data specialist on the one hand but I also understand the common obstacles most people have when they are learning about Data Analytics and Data Science.

For that reason I ddecided to deliver high quality courses that help you to pursue your career as a Data Analystist or Data Scientist and I very excited that you have also decided to level up your IT skills as well!

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