Copywriting - Write Marketing Headlines That Sell - Like A Professional Copywriter

Learn How To Write Course Titles And Marketing Titles That Get Results!

What's Inside

Copywriting - Write Titles Like A Professional Copywriter

Write internet marketing titles like a professional copywriter and watch your digital marketing explode - perfect for bloggers who want to improve their blogging.

You Have Just 3 Seconds

To get a customers attention.

That is it.

So how are you going to make those 3 seconds work for you?

Learn How To Get A Potential Clients Attention

Are you struggling to get the attention of potential clients?

Then you have probably lost their attention in the first 3 seconds of contact with your sales and marketing copy.

What if you knew how to get their attention, what if you could communicate that what they are trying to buy is exactly what you are selling?

What if you could turn those 3 valuable seconds into potential client engagement through a deeper understanding of title copywriting.

Amazing course so far I'm just on Lecture 6, but this content is incredible. I can see how I've sped through some of these steps in the past, and it may have hurt my business as a result. Excellent content and presentation! ~ J Portia

This Course:

In this course we teach you how to create a marketing mission statement, which also doubles up as a course on writing headlines for your sales copy and SEO.

The deep analysis needed for a mission statement creation, transfers perfectly to headline research and title writing, whether for a blog post, social media post or Udemy course title for example.

Marketing Mission Statements - Your Marketing Foundation

Most business' struggle to create a clear and concise marketing mission statement that lets potential clients know that they have found the right supplier.

It is the very first step in any marketing strategy for a business.

A marketing mission statement will grab the clients attention in the 3 golden seconds, so knowing how to write a powerful one is extremely important.

Improve Your Marketing Headlines

Many people also struggle with writing compelling marketing headlines that grab customers attention and make their digital marketing have real impact.

Learn how to get their attention by understanding how they think and what you need to communicate to them.

Learn how to focus on what the reader is trying to buy, not on what you are trying to sell and get more sales.

Who Is This Course Suitable For?

This course is suitable for small business owners and entrepreneurs that want to improve their internet marketing.

It is also suitable for internet marketing professionals who want to add value to their own services.

It will also help new bloggers and social media trainers and social media professionals write better headlines for their social content.

It will also help content creators like Udemy instructors create compelling titles for their video courses.

What Is Included In The Course?

  • The purpose of a marketing mission statement
  • Why writing a good statement is difficult
  • Niche client statements
  • Solving problems rather than selling products
  • Breaking down problems
  • Personifying your niche client
  • How to create a marketing mission statement
  • A sample marketing mission statement
  • Marketing headlines
  • Extended skills

All the concepts needed to understand marketing mission statements and marketing headlines are clearly explained in this course.

Questions people ask that this course answers:

  • How do I write a good title
  • How do I write a title for social media
  • How do I write a title for a web page
  • How do I write a title for my video course
  • How do I create marketing headlines that sell
  • How do I create good marketing headlines
  • How do I create online marketing headlines

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Certificate Available
2681+ Students
14 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Mark Timberlake
Mark runs a marketing company called SME Heroes, which specializes in training on all things to do with online course creation and online marketing.
He has extensive experience with online business in various forms over the last 15 years and loves to share his hard one lessons and techniques for online business success.
In addition he also has over 12 years experience in online retail and over 6 years experience as a commercial photographer.

This means he has a deep breadth of experience which comes through in his courses which are always designed to be easy to understand and to pass on the practical skills he has learned.

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