The Complete watchOS 2 Developer Course

Your A-Z Guide to Coding 30 Apps with Swift

What's Inside

    The Apple Watch is already a tech staple, but there’s still time to make a splash on the app store’s top downloads. This course will teach you to code Apple Watch apps from scratch, by holding your hand through 30 different programming projects. There’s no doubt you’ll be left with a solid understanding of coding with Swift, the premier language for all iOS development, and finally give your career that spark it’s been waiting for.

    • Learn to code w/ Swift in over 366 lectures & 18.5 hours of content
    • Build apps w/ the taptic engine & the digital crown
    • Study the symbiosis between design & code
    • Slow down or speed up the courses as you want
    • Create real-world apps to include in your portfolio
    • Get acquainted w/ WatchKit & Xcode
    • Build a variety of app types: educational, gaming, geolocation & more

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
4435+ Students
286 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating

John Bura has been programming games since 1997 and teaching since 2002. John is the owner of the game development studio Mammoth Interactive. This company produces XBOX 360, iPhone, iPad, android, HTML 5, ad-games and more. Mammoth Interactive recently sold a game to Nickelodeon! John has been contracted by many different companies to provide game design, audio, programming, level design and project management. To this day John has 40 commercial games that he has contributed to. Several of the games he has produced have risen to number 1 in the Apple's app store. In his spare time John likes to play ultimate Frisbee, cycle and work out.

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