Learn Express

Master Express - the fast and lightweight Node framework for building backend servers

What's Inside

Express is an extremely powerful tool for creating web applications built on Node.

Join us for an action-packed series of video tutorials as we learn about how to use and implement the impressive Express library.

- Install Express on your computer- Run a custom server- Understand requests and responses

We'll learn about many aspects of practical Express implementation over the course of over 13 videos and lots of other amazing course material.

- Use GET and POST requests- Write and run tests with Mocha- Learn about RESTful APIs

This course teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to use Express!

Express is an extremely practical tool, whether you're looking to use it for prototyping, hobbies or if you're looking to improve your qualifications to work in the field of Web Development, this is the course for you!

- Over seven workshops and five lectures- Test your knowledge with challenging quizzes

This is an extremely practical and skills-oriented course. Take the next step to improving your web development skills today!

Get started now!

Certificate Available
48769+ Students
14 Lectures
1+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Daniel Stern

Known in development circles as “the Code Whisperer," Daniel Stern has been believed to possess a supernatural connection to computers ever since he talked the supercomputer Deep Blue off the roof of a twelve-story St. Petersburg apartment building, following its shameful loss to Gary Kasparov.

He can often be found singing softly to his tablet, or gently caressing his aluminum keyboard in his arms.

Daniel has been working as a front end and full stack developer in the tech industry since 2011. He's developed single-page applications for banks like CIBC, charities like the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, and at ad agencies like McLaren McCann, TraffikGroup and Olson. Throughout his labors, he's worked on computer programming in his spare time because, well, he's obsessed with it.

In addition to being featured in both CSS Weekly and JavaScript weekly, Daniel is well-known throughout the open-source community for maintaining several open-source tools, most notably the Angular.js and LESS-based tool, Range .css and the Angular .js audio tool, ngAudio.

In addition to being trusted by the open source community to develop top-quality, functional code, Daniel has also been invited to speak at numerous conferences including Full Stack Conference 2014 in London, England.

Daniel is an active learner and very passionate about the following technologies,

- Node.js
- Angular.js
- TypeScript
- MongoDB
- Brackets, the Open Source Code Editor
- Esprima
- Grunt
- Yeoman
- Many, many, many more

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