Javascript and jQuery Made Easy

Dive into This Powerful Library to Quickly & Easily Write JavaScript Code

What's Inside

jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use, as it dramatically simplifies the process of writing JavaScript. Common tasks that otherwise take lines of code to execute? With jQuery, you can simply write one line and be done with it. Whether you’re working with HTML or implementing animations, you’ll find your development process to be easier than ever.

What you will learn

Javascrtipt Modules...

We will begin the course by learning where to write JavaScript. We will look at writing JavaScript directly inside an HTML tag, then inside of a <script> tag, and then finally in a file separate from the HTML document. We will discuss some of the reasons for using each method.

After that, we will learn about how to manipulate some basic data types. We will learn about how to do simple arithmetic, and also look at some of JavaScript's built-in mathematical capabilities. Then, we will learn about working with words and characters, using a data type known as the "string". We will also cover the Boolean type, which is a representation of True and False inside of a programming language.

Then we will move on to more complex types. We will learn about the array, which is essentially a list. We will look at how to create arrays, how to access elements inside them, and how to modify the contents of an array. Functions will also be covered, which will allow us to organize code into simple, reusable pieces. We will also learn about objects, which are a way of grouping together data and behaviors.

Next, we will look at the Document Object Model ( DOM ). This is what allows JavaScript to interact with the HTML code of a webpage. We will look at several ways of finding any particular HTML element on the page. Then we will see what information we can extract from that element (tag name, attributes,etc.). We will learn about adding and removing elements from a page. Finally, we will learn about events, which allows JavaScript to react to things like mouse clicks, mouse movement, key presses, and many others.

We will end the course with a practical exercise, in which we will build a simple JavaScript-based webpage. We will put to use most of the concepts covered in the course. We will look at how to validate user input, how to display results, and how to display meaningful error message to the user.

jQuery Modules...

We will begin the course by learning about changing the HTML content of a webpage. This includes adding and removing entire HTML elements, as well as modifying text and other HTML attributes programmatically. We will also learn about how to navigate the tree-like structure of an HTML document using the concept of parent-, sibling-, and child-elements.

Finally, we will end the course by looking at AJAX, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX allows programmers to interact with external servers. To serve as our example, we will read airport data from a public web service. We will learn how to request data, how to handle the response, and how to handle errors.

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19 Lectures
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EDUmobile Academy

Our Mission is to provide high quality online training that educates and inspires.

The EDUmobile Academy was founded in 2008 as a bootstrapped initiative of Vishal Lamba, who has been actively involved in the technology space since 1989.

We're very passionate about creating courses that have world class standards, and providing heroic support to our community of learners.

Every course is created by USA based, technologically qualified mentors, having an absolutely clear diction and command over spoken English. Over the years we've provided guidance and training to a developer community of over 80,000.

Come, lets write some beautiful code together!

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