Introduction to React and Redux. Code Web Apps in JavaScript.

A beginner's guide to React and Redux for aspiring web app developers and entrepreneurs!

What's Inside

Do you want to learn to build beautiful, well-functioning web apps? Join web developer Chris Veillette in this course for beginners to start building web apps today.

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Why React?

React is an efficient and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Many popular websites including Instagram, Facebook, Netflix, and Imgur use React.

What Will I Learn?

  • How to lay out a web app in a logical way
  • JSX, a pre-processor that adds XML syntax to JavaScript
  • The foundations of building a single-page app using React Router
  • How to use Web Pack, a bundler for code
  • How to transition from webpack 1.0 to webpack 2.0
  • How to write modular CSS. Instead of having one global CSS file, you can break it down into components. This makes your CSS simple and declarative.
  • How to use Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript apps
  • How to refactor code (alter code to make it simpler and more efficient)
  • How to fix bugs and handle errors
  • How to code in ES6 and JavaScript

Who is the target audience?

  • Developers who want to learn about React and Redux.
  • Coders who want to learn to build web apps.
  • Coders who want to learn JavaScript.


  • Modern web browser
  • Basic HTML/CSS knowledge
  • This course was recorded on a Mac computer.

You can build your own web apps! This course is full of practical examples. We teach you theory while also building real projects that you can put in your web development portfolio. Enroll today to join the Mammoth community.

Level: Beginner, Length: 18.5 hours. The source code for the projects is included in this course.

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232+ Students
169 Lectures
18+ Hours of Video
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John Bura has been programming games since 1997 and teaching since 2002. John is the owner of the game development studio Mammoth Interactive. This company produces XBOX 360, iPhone, iPad, android, HTML 5, ad-games and more. Mammoth Interactive recently sold a game to Nickelodeon! John has been contracted by many different companies to provide game design, audio, programming, level design and project management. To this day John has 40 commercial games that he has contributed to. Several of the games he has produced have risen to number 1 in the Apple's app store. In his spare time John likes to play ultimate Frisbee, cycle and work out.

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