Instagram iOS App: Photo Sharing on iOS

Create an Instagram clone in one hour.

What's Inside

Ever wanted to make an Instagram clone?

Before now you would have to create a server, learn PHP and image handling as well as app coding!

That's all changed now. I will take you through the Ostetso framework which is a free photo sharing network. Leverage the power of Instagram in less than an hour! I will show you how to:

  • Install Xcode (and iOS simulator)
  • Install Ostetso
  • Import your photos into the app
  • Create a simple sharing function


PLEASE NOTE: This course is designed to get you up and running with Xcode and iOS in record time. Therefore I have limited time to actually explain everything. My other courses on iOS app development explain everything we do in much more detail.


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54765+ Students
9 Lectures
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Grant Klimaytys

I am an app entrepreneur, developer and teacher.


After seeing my success both as a freelancer and with my own apps on the App Stores a lot of people asked me for my secrets. Rather than going through them individually I decided to create app development courses listing out what I do and how.

I used to be a freelance developer. My hourly fee was in the region of $100 but the real money came in from releasing my own apps - one of which was bought out by a competitor for 6 figures recently.

So trust me when I say that the gold rush for apps is not over!

So you want to learn app development? Well here's some bad news:

Creating apps can be very difficult if you have bad knowledge or try to go it alone.

I know because I've done it the hard way - never again!

When I make a course for you I'm obsessed with breaking down hard to understand concepts so you can learn fast and easily!

My focus is on getting you on the app stores and earning revenue!

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