HTML and CSS for Beginners

Learn HTML and CSS from Mark Lassoff - no experience required. Certification Available.

What's Inside

There isn't a web site out there-- whether it be, or the site for your local high school-- that isn't written in HTML. If you do any level of web development-- from editing pages on a Wordpress site to designing original pages from scratch, understanding and being able to code in HTML and CSS can give you a level of control, and power over your designs that you've never experienced before. This course helps you learn HTML and CSS (versions 4.01 and XHTML) as well as prepares you for the future with coverage of HTML5.

In this course, designed, authored and hosted by master trainer Mark Lassoff, you will learn HTML and CSS, including everything you need to create a creative, quality and professional web site. Almost four hours of video instruction in punctuated lab exercises where you apply the very skills taught in the course. With an instructor available to answer your questions, and course with both wide coverage of HTML and CSS topics and deep discussion of those topics, there is no better or faster way to learn HTML and CSS for Beginners!

When you've completed the course, become a certified developer by passing LearnToProgram's Certified HTML Developer exam. Certified developers are listed on the LearnToProgram web site and sent a printed certificate, digital badges and other materials relating to their certified status.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
2116+ Students
40 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
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LearnToProgram, Inc.

LearnToProgram is a leading publisher of web, mobile and game development courses that are used by individuals and companies world-wide. Based outside of Hartford, Connecticut, the LearnToProgram team is dedicated to teaching more people to program than any other company on the face of the Earth. Their authors are among the most experienced in the field-- and they have one important thing in common: LearnToProgram authors consider themselves teachers first and technical experts second.

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