Hands on, Interactive, Penetration Testing & Ethical Hacking

Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing, Learnto use Metasploit and bypass AnitVirus, Discover Pivoting and Powershell EMPIRE

What's Inside

This course has been designed to fill a hole in the market that no other course will give you with hands on step by step tutorials that this visual learning experience provides. This course allows you to follow, in real time, each stage of the engagement that you can tweak and train your skills from over and over again!

You will get the latest tools and techniques using Rapid 7's Superb tool, 'Metasploit', to exploit targets as well as run post exploitation techniques and utilize PowerShell with 'Empire'

The course will visually engage with 'Empire', a post exploitation tool, used to harness the power of Powershell to further exploit Microsoft Windows Operating systems where poor configurations and overlooked policy have been deployed.

The course will start with an understanding of how to move around Metasploit, basic key strokes to get from one section of the framework to another, and together, we will exploit our first system, work out what we can and cant do, how to keep it if something goes wrong, and how to leave the session without being tracked. We will learn how to not be seen by Intrusion Detection Systems and Evade Anti-Virus Software used by professional Penetration Testers around the globe. The course will then look at Empire, again we will start with the basics of moving around, how to gain our sessions known as 'agents', escalate our privileges if required and migrate over to the Metasploit framework. This gives us the beast of both worlds!

You will learn how to be professional in your methodology and help you to gain a foothold in the field.

I will teach you by visual learning and not simply speaking over presentations. Theory is good but this course will get you up and running with little to no knowledge at all. This is the course I really wish i had learning Penetration Testing as it answers the questions that are not a simple Google away.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
53910+ Students
23 Lectures
3+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Nick Smith

I have substantial experience in Networking & Systems Management covering Windows, *nix & MAC.

I have worked from the ground up working as Systems Administrator / Network Administrator, ISP, Provisioning Broadband services & MPLS Networks in large corporate environments. I have been involved in running penetration test engagements within the Financial Sector Services for some of the largest global banking Institutes. I currently hold the Qualys Vulnerability Assessor Certification, & will explore CREST and others when I have time in the future.

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