Goal Success Life Coach Certification

Learn Life Coaching industry best practices. Help clients be successful, achieve their goals, and reach their dreams!

What's Inside

Do you have a dream or a life goal that remains unfulfilled? Or, do you want to work with clients who want to fulfill their dreams and goals?

Everyone has his/her own definition of success in the same way that everyone has unique dreams for their life. But, all success depends on achieving meaningful goals, whether personal, career or business, by having a solid short and long term plan. The good news is that goal attainment is a process, like building a house or baking a cake. There are a set of plans or a recipe that needs to be followed, and this certification program gives you the tools to implement this proven recipe with your clients!

Discover the 4-Steps to Goal Success:

  • Step 1: Know what you really want
  • Step 2: Believe you can achieve it
  • Step 3: Create a concrete plan for success
  • Step 4: Stay committed and motivated

The Goal Success Coach Certification program provides life coaching industry best practices and powerful tools and techniques to help your clients be successful, achieve their goals, and reach their dreams!

The role of a Goal Success Coach is to:

  • Support clients to achieve their goals, whether business, personal or career.
  • Identify what’s been holding clients back and commit to lasting change.
  • Provide processes, strategies and psychological concepts that prepare clients to live their dreams.
  • Hold clients to high standards and empower them to live life on their terms.
  • Determine an individualized short and long term plan to achieve clients’ desired result.
  • Serve as an accountability partner to keep clients focused and on track.

In this course, you’ll learn how to help your clients:

  • Identify what they REALLY want, and stop limiting their dreams
  • Find a big enough reason for committing to their goals
  • Create a compelling vision of their life
  • Embrace change and release resistance
  • Obliterate all doubt and believe they CAN DO IT
  • Create a concrete long term plan and use weekly tools to stay on track
  • Stay motivated and inspired along their journey to success
  • Release limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones
  • Stop procrastinating and take massive action
  • Be held accountable through your long term life coaching relationship

So, who are we?

We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, educators, and life coaches. For over a decade we have been sharing what we’ve learned with our life coaching clients, helping them unlock their potential by finding the purpose in their pain and embracing their true path. In addition to our background in psychology, education, and life coaching, Joeel has a Masters in Counseling and is finishing his PhD in Psychology and we have over 60,000 students from 190 countries.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
1382+ Students
79 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
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Joeel & Natalie Rivera

Joeel and Natalie Rivera are freedom junkies and prolific content creators who have launched over a dozen business. They have also been coaching, speaking, writing, and teaching for more than a decade.

Joeel is a former psychology professor with a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Education and has been studying happiness for his dissertation for a Ph.D. in Psychology.

After almost losing it all in 2014 due to a long-term illness, they converted their workshops, coaching and training programs into online courses. Today, they’ve created more than 75 online courses, taken by more than 700,000 students from 195 countries.

They believe that entrepreneurship is the ultimate form of empowerment. They believe in turning pain into purpose. And, they believe in the democratization of education and, therefore, make their programs available at a price that is within reach of students worldwide.

Through their online education company Transformation Academy, they empower INDIEpreneurs and transformation junkies to create a purpose-driven life and business and master the power of their mind so they can create their destiny.

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