Git Essentials — The step-by-step- guide to Git and GitHub mastery

Learn how to use Git and GitHub like a pro by mastering the daily Git workflow that every developer uses.

What's Inside

Welcome to Git for Everybody / Git Essentials

This course supports Windows, Mac and Linux users.

In this course you learn everything you need to know about working with Git and GitHub.

By the end of this course you will have the knowledge and confidence you need to:

  • Apply for a job
  • Work in a team
  • Work on open source projects

Git is the secret tool that almost every developer uses but nobody talks about. It's such a commonplace tool that it's rarely mentioned on job postings because it's assumed that, no matter what your skill level is, that you KNOW how to use Git and GitHub.

I've worked with several teams and companies over the years and everything you'll learn in this course is what I tend to use almost every day and certainly every week.

To learn how to use Git and GitHub does not take 10, 8 or even 6 hours. The truth is Git is a complicated program, but using Git is easy!

There are a number of commands you'll use every day, and a few more commands you'll see once or twice a week. Beyond that, you would be learning advanced Git that you'll never use, ever! Don't get stuck learning tools and commands that you'll never use. By taking this course, you are going to learn all the important aspects of Git and GitHub, and you won't be wasting 6+ hours learning things you'll never use.

This course is designed to teach you Git the way the it's used everyday by a developer who uses it every day.

Here's the rough outline of everything you'll learn in this course:

  • How to use Git on the command line (pro tip: it's more important to learn Git from the command line first than it is to learn how to use a visual tool. Servers don't have visual programs)
  • Installing Git on Windows, Mac and Linux
  • How to configure Git on your computer, and add your SSH key
  • Creating, cloning and adding files to a GitHub repository
  • Managing files, commits and branches
  • How to merge branches into other branches
  • How to view old files from an older time
  • Viewing file differences and how to ignore certain file types
  • Forking repos (repositories)
  • How to work on GitHub by:
    • Creating custom branches and tags
    • Opening and managing GitHub issues
    • Opening and managing pull requests
  • How to undo a little work, and a lot of work
  • How to rebase
  • How to work through merge and rebase conflicts
  • And much much more!

Plus we'll work through lots of real life examples together and get you'll get hands on experience with all of this by creating your own repositories, forking my repo, and even safely opening a pull request on my work for some seriously hands on experience (because Git is better learned by doing).

As an added bonus, you'll also learn GitHub fundamentals — and everything you learn about Git and GitHub is completely transferable to GitLab and Bit Bucket!

How to tell if this course is for you:

Have you never used Git or GitHub?
Have you ever wondered how Git works?
Have you ever gotten stuck using Git?
Have you ever needed to ask for help when using Git?
Have you ever ran into a tricky Git conflict?
Have you ever wondered how to efficiently use GitHub?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, this course is 100% for you.

And if you're still not convinced you'll learn some cool things in this course, feel free to watch the first 20+ videos for free — I've enabled so many free previews in this course because I'm convinced you'll walk away feeling excited and confident about your new Git skills!

Course Curriculum

This course is closed for enrollment.

Certificate Available
1073+ Students
40 Lectures
2+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Kalob Taulien

He is a professional web developer who 's been developing websites and working with startups since 1999. He also has a broad set of skills in software, web development, and information technology.

Teaching over 300,000 students online through various outlets, he's helped tens of thousands of people learn web development. From zero to hero and nothing to ninja, he's considered a top teacher by tens of thousands of students. With so much experience, why not give his experience and knowledge to others so they can fulfill their dreams?

The passion to learn and to share his knowledge by teaching and helping others is something that drives him. It's a passion he's had since he was born. Kalob's ability to turn complex programming and web development concepts into easy-to-understands bits of knowledge has been called his "superpower".

Throughout the years, Kalob has built hundreds, if not thousands, of websites, and has created multiple companies from his ideas and software. He also operates one of the largest Learning to Code Facebook Groups.

Teaching isn't an option in Kalob's life, but a moral obligation to pass on knowledge to others.

Now he spends his time creating high quality courses, helping students learn more effectively, and learning new topics in business, entrepreneurship and coding.

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