Git Complete Mastery with GitHub : 100% Hands-on Git Guide

Most comprehensive, step by step Git guide to build rock solid foundation in Git & GitHub, become a Git Geek and Expert!

What's Inside

Course Description

This course is aimed at providing rock solid foundation in Git. It covers the most needed basic and intermediate Git concepts that form the foundation of this wonderful source control management system (SCM) so that the student can go up and running within a matter of few hours. However, this is not say that this Git course covers things in hurry. On the contrary, all the foundation Git concepts are explained with utmost care so that the student feels (assuming a newbie or starter) comfortable with the concepts that has been laid down with great consideration and due diligence. The sections devoted to GitHub bears the same hallmark of care & clarity that the sections on Git are marked with.

The Git & GitHub course is power-packed with intensive hands on Lab sessions that covers the basic and elemental concepts in great detail. The Labs are the highlights of this Git course which implements all the concepts that are explained thoroughly and exhaustively in the presentations.

Course Layout

The section "Introduction and Getting Started" covers a great overview of Git that will warm up the student before taking on the concepts layered in the subsequent sections. To spice up things, it briefly covers history of Git. Next, the fundamental principles that govern Git is explained with well illustrated diagrams so that student doesn't face difficulty in facing the Labs that implements those concepts and principles. This section also introduces the Instructor and explains how to go through this Git course so that one get the best out of it.

The section "Git Setup and Installation" demonstrates the installation process of Git on all the three prevalent platforms, namely Windows / Linux / Mac. Each platform is covered nicely with detailed explanation so that student does not face any difficulty in understanding the Git setup process and one can get up and running without a hitch.

The section "Setting up a Git Repository" explains thoroughly the Git configuration process which forms the basic prerequisites before one goes to the next step of creating Git repositories. Once the prerequisites are taken care of, the subsequent lectures carefully crafts it way through explaining step-by-step process of Git repository creation process. The Git repository creation process comes in three flavors - creating from scratch with nothing on hand, converting an unversioned code base to Git repository and Cloning a Git repository that was existing on GitHub.

The section "Enter GitHub" explains this massively popular web based Git repository with utmost care and precision. It explains the hugely popular and effective "fork" and "clone" processes. Before that there are sections that navigate through GitHub in order to make the student familiar with GitHub website, it's user interface and general remote repository management process.

The section "Committing changes in Git" is where the action starts approaching the climax. Here the student will work on the Labs to in order to understand the few concepts that forms the pillars of Git, namely the "Git states". One can understand how an artifact (file / directory e.t.c) goes through the Git workflow to reach the climactic point wherein the artifacts are safely placed in the Git database.

The section "Inspecting what's going on in a Git Repository" explains how to peek into the internal workings of Git. In short - what's going behind the scenes! Git status and log checks are covered in great detail wherein students starts appreciating the beauty of Git.

The section "Git Branching basics" covers branching basic concepts. Branching is a advanced concept and attempt has been made not to burden the student with gory details of this advanced concept.

The section "Undoing changes in a Git repository" covers great details on the mechanisms you can use to undo changes in Git repository in case one changes his mind and want to revert changes or fix any mess up. Techniques such as resetting, reverting, cleaning and checkout for a Git repository have been treated with great care and detail.

The section "Pushing into GitHub" makes things hotter when the students starts learning how to extend one's arms beyond his local repository in local machine to a remote repository. The local-remote interaction and play is fascinating as the lectures in this section unravels them in step-by-step manner.

The section "GitHub via SSH" is an advanced one and hence had been kept for the last. Here you will learn how to connect with GitHub via SSH protocol. In the learning process, the student will learns basics of public key cryptography. SSH key generation and using them to connect local Git repository and GitHub forms a stimulating walk in the entire learning path.

The section "Making Git bash friendlier and productive" will empower you to have Git bash prompt that allows customization in terms of it's content, color and functionality. It makes Git commands and their output highly readable and adds more expressiveness and color to all operations in the git bash terminal.

The section "Installing and Configuring default text editor for Git" demonstrates how to install a graphical text editor (Sublime Text) and configure it as the default text editor for Git.

The section "Installing and Configuring Diff and Merge tool for Git repository" demonstrates how to install and configure "p4merge" as Git diff and merge tool.

The section "Git Comparison with Git Diff Tool (p4merge)" demonstrates how to perform Git comparisons between various sections of a Git repository using "p4merge"

The section "Git Branching and Merging techniques" demonstrates advanced techniques for Git Branching and Merging that includes - fast-forward merge, no-fast-forward merge, 3-way merge along with merge conflict resolution process.

The section "Commit History rewriting in Git" demonstrates various technique for modifying commit history to suit your project needs. You can amend your commits, do a rebase and so on.

The section "Git Tagging" demonstrates how to use tags to mark production releases with tags and how to manipulate tags for best outcome

The section "Git Toolset" demonstrates git tool "stash" which is an extremely convenient tool to save off unfinished work.

On the final note in the section "Let's wrap up", the Instructor thanks the course taking students with some bonus tips!

Course Features

The course is heavily hands on with lots of great Lab sessions interspersed with brief slide presentations illustrating and unfurling the conceptual maze. All the commands that have been used in the relevant sections has been summarized in the form of text / pdf at the end of each section to consolidate the concepts that was laid down previously.

What are the requirements?

  • A computer (PC/MAC/Linux) with Internet connection
  • Basic knowledge of Computer
  • Software installation might need Admin rights

What is the target audience?

  • Software developers, engineers, web designers, freelancers new to Git
  • Anybody interested in using Git as a version control system
  • Those who want to use GitHub as a web-based Git repository hosting service
  • Enterprise managers looking to enhance team skills with Git and GitHub knowledge
  • This course is not for Git users whose Git & GitHub knowledge is at expert level

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Build rock solid foundation in Git and related concepts
  • Learn Git installation on multiple platforms
  • Learn how to configure git repository in 3 ways
  • Learn how to modify, add and commit artifacts
  • Learn how to inspect Git repository using status and log checks
  • Learn Git branching basics
  • Learn to basics of public key cryptography
  • Learn GitHub and how use and manage the web based Git repository
  • Learn how to communicate with GitHub from local repository
  • Learn HTTPS and SSH connection with GitHub
  • Learn details of connection management
  • Learn basic file management in git bash environment
  • Learn how to customize/colorize Git bash prompt for productivity
  • Learn how to undo changes in Git repository through checkout, reset, revert and clean
  • Learn how to install and configure "Sublime Text" as the default text editor for Git
  • Learn how to install and configure "p4merge" as Git diff and merge tool
  • Learn how to perform Git comparisons between various sections of a Git repository

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
102531+ Students
108 Lectures
11+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Bibhash Roy

I am a Software Engineer turned entrepreneur with over 25 years of rich industrial experience (17 years in Software Development) in diverse fields. However I am passionate about teaching whatever I have learned in my career spanning an array of prestigious stints at large Global Corporate power houses such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and Siemens.

Over the years, I have gained deep knowledge and expertise in programming languages such as Java, C, C++, PL/SQL, Scala and Python to name a few. I have worked extensively in various frameworks and tools such Spring, Struts, Hibernate, , Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra, Hadoop, Spark and others. DevOps intensely interests me. I have been working with Git and GitHub almost since their inception. As a part of engineering responsibility, I have developed and architected numerous highly scalable & mission critical applications.

Currently in the role of founder and CEO, I am spearheading Whitepeak Software, a Software Development Company that is deeply involved in domain such as Bigdata, mobile and Cloud Computing!

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