Finance for Freedom

Master Your Finances in 30 Days

What's Inside

The world of money and finance can be confusing and dangerous, and most educational curriculum ignore the concepts altogether. This leaves many successful professionals searching for sound financial advice.

Although there are a plethora of "Personal Finance for Dummies" books and courses out there, Finance for Freedom is the only program that is rooted in a thorough understanding of money and monetary history. Money is half of every transaction thus half of the entire economy therefore it is only possible to construct a sustainable asset portfolio with a fundamental understanding of money.

If you doubt this, simply ask yourself a question: what is money?

Is it a green piece of paper with numbers and symbols on it? Is it a plastic card with a bank logo and an account number? Or is it something else entirely?

As it turns out, money is far from a static functionary, and it has a very interesting story to tell. Those who understand this story take a unique approach to structuring their finances while those who do not understand money tend to follow the herd. If you want to be financially independent then you absolutely must understand money – what it is, where it has been, and where it is going.

Finance for Freedom: Master Your Finances in 30 Days will not only convey the necessary fundamentals, but it will also present specific actionable strategies that you can begin to implement immediately to grow your wealth.

In fact, the strategies presented in Finance for Freedom are the very strategies the author used to master his finances, build a sustainable asset portfolio, and quit his job within five years time. Whether you are a young professional just getting started or a seasoned veteran approaching retirement, these same strategies will work for you.

Are you ready to turbo-charge your retirement portfolio? Do you yearn to exit the rat-race? Is financial freedom calling to your spirit?

This course will convey everything you need to know in order to achieve a level of financial security that can never be taken away from you. This course will show you how to structure your finances and scale your income such that you will never need to worry about market crashes, lay-offs, globalization, outsourcing, or uncertain political environments. More importantly, this course will show you how to reach
financial escape velocity so that you can live the life of your dreams!

Here is what the course delivers:

  • How to become money-conscious
  • How to analyze your financial statements
  • How to intuitively understand how each decision you make affects your financial statements
  • How to analyze spending, slash debt, and implement a tool to model and monitor a flexible monthly budget
  • How to ultimately master your finances in 30 days time
  • How to analyze macroeconomic trends and leverage this understanding into actionable financial strategies
  • How to construct and implement an asset allocation model
  • How to assess and acquire the prominent asset classes for your model: cash, precious metals, real estate, stocks, bonds, and bitcoins
  • How to implement the Beta Investment Strategy
  • How to integrate alternative investments into your portfolio to truly create antifragility
  • How to build and scale diverse income streams in order to achieve financial escape velocity

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. This is not your standard “personal finance for dummies” advice, nor is it abstract theory. This course delivers both the core principles and the actionable strategies used by the instructor to build a sustainable financial portfolio that enabled him to quit his job and escape the rat-race within five years time.

To add additional value to this course, the instructor is completely willing to answer any and all questions you may have as you go through the material.

Now to be clear, there is no magic formula for eliminating debt, building wealth, and reaching financial escape velocity. As such, this course is NOT for people who are looking for get-rich-quick-schemes. But for self-disciplined people who are willing to think outside of the box and focus long-term, this course offers a comprehensive approach to money, finance, and economics that will enable you to cut debt, strategically build an asset portfolio, and even develop scalable income streams in order to build the life you desire!

Do not take a backseat when it comes to your own finances. Learn everything you need to know to master your finances in 30 days by enrolling in Finance for Freedom today!

Get started now!

Certificate Available
51802+ Students
25 Lectures
2+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Joe Withrow

Joe Withrow is just an average, hardworking American who did everything by the ‘American Dream’ handbook.

He took advanced classes in a public high school and graduated with good grades. He then went on to earn a finance degree from a public university.

Upon graduation, Joe moved to a metropolitan city and played the corporate game, working for two different mega banks and earning several minor promotions/pay raises/bonuses for his efforts.

Joe bought a starter home, met his wife, and settled down to live the American Dream – just as he had been “educated” to do. He contributed the match rate to his 401(k) and he maxed out his contributions to a traditional IRA – just as he had been “educated” to do.

Joe was doing everything the “right” way and a storybook life appeared to be unfolding before him.

But then something strange happened.

Joe started to see that the rat-race had no light at the end of the tunnel and no rewards worth reaping.

He began to realize that the ‘American Dream’ was at best a myth and at worst a means of control. He began to see how the monetary system itself worked against him. He began to realize that his annual wage increases could not possibly keep up with inflation over the long term and therefore he was stuck on a perpetual tread-mill despite doing everything the right way. He began to realize that the stock market could not possibly go up exponentially forever no matter how many talking heads swore up and down that it would.

So Joe started to do a lot of independent research and he started to do a lot of introspective examination. He quickly came to the realization that he had to build a more self-reliant lifestyle if he wanted to have a chance to create a Mindful life for himself and his family. So Joe made the decision to seek financial freedom. Over a period of time, Joe was able to eliminate debt and needless spending and redirect his income to a carefully constructed asset allocation model. This enabled him to end his career in corporate America and spend his time pursuing entrepreneurial projects of interest.

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