Craft your own 2D game backgrounds with Inkscape!

What's Inside

Does your game background look boring?

It does not have to!

A good environment is setting the mood and helps the player focusing on the action. Having quality background art is crucial for every game.

Improve your design skills with me today and create high quality 2D background assets from scratch!

During the class you will

  • learn about theory of creating engaging 2D game background design
  • learn to use Inkscape for vector game art
  • and create 4 different parallax ready game backgrounds:
    - a simple but hot desert background,
    - a galactic background for vertical space shooters,
    - a big city background with skyscrapers
    - and my favorite, the magical forest background!

Follow my background design course and create these 2D game assets with me! Even more: create your own versions and share it with me and the others! Improve, practice and experiment, and create the backgrounds your game deserves!

And remember: I am a teacher, I am here to help! If you have any questions, just ask!

Get started now!

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