Construct a First Person Shooter

Craft your own first person shooter in Unity with challenging enemies and exciting gameplay.

What's Inside

This course includes downloadable project files

Develop your own exciting first person shooter game in Unity. You will learn not only how to create all the mechanics needed for a shooter, but also how to create pathfinding enemies to challenge your players. Build the first person shooter of your dreams starting today, and let your players battle their way through exciting challenges.

You will learn how to:

  • Create a player that can move, jump, shoot, and die
  • Master weapons and shooting with C# and object pooling
  • Implement enemies that can pathfind using Unity’s NavMesh feature
  • Add health and ammo pickups
  • Setup audio and particle effects for firing weapons
  • Use Unity’s UI system to create health bars, ammo counters, and more


  • Basic understanding of Unity and C#

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Certificate Available
379+ Students
30 Lectures
3+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating

Trusted by over 1 million learners and developers, Zenva provides world-class training on in-demand programming skills covering game development, machine learning, virtual reality and full-stack web development.

Our e-learning platform Zenva Academy is the leading place to upskill, learn and gain key tech skills for the innovation economy. Our curriculum is organized about Mini-Degrees™ which cover a wide range of technical subjects and include video, project files and mentor support.

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