Conquer Writer's Block

Build Your Writing System and Become a Prolific Writer

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What if you could sit down in front of the blank page every day feeling optimistic and full of ideas?

What would writing a blog post, article or book chapter consistently do for your career?

What if you had a writing system that helped you achieve all this and so much more?

Dear writer,

My name is Bryan Collins. I’m an author from Ireland, but you might know me best from Become a Writer Today.

Several years ago, I struggled with writer’s block. I’d put the kids to bed, brew a cup of tea and close the door in the spare bedroom where I wrote.

I’d sit down at my desk, open up Word and stare at the blank page.

Rubbing my beard for inspiration, I’d think hard of something to write about…and nothing would come.

So, I’d get up, walk around, look out the window and sit back down again.

I tried mood lighting.

I tried incense.

I even tried banging my head off the table, as if I could shake an idea loose.


I knew I had stories I wanted to tell and share but where were they?

How was I ever going to become a writer if I couldn’t produce a hundred, let alone a thousand words? And as for getting paid to write?

Forget it.

I felt like a failure and considered giving up on creative work altogether. Perhaps I could become an accountant instead.

After all, when was the last time you heard an accountant say they couldn’t think of a good tax problem to solve?

Instead of handing back my Moleskine notebooks and buying a tie, I started studying how prolific writers worked.

I discovered I wasn’t alone.

Enter Ernest Hemingway

He was one of the 20th century’s greatest novelists. He was also a prolific writer, and a personal creative hero.

During his career, Hemingway wrote seven novels and some of the greatest short stories of all time.

(You haven’t lived until you’ve stayed up after midnight reading The Old Man and the Sea).

Well, Hemingway also struggled with writer’s block.

So he came up with a weird little hoarding strategy that works.

While living in Havana, Cuba in the 1950s, Hemingway wrote early morning every day after first light.

He crafted his stories by hand and later with a typewriter at a standing desk, surrounded by books, mementoes from his travels and a large chart tracking his daily progress.

He wrote while the day was still cool, letting his creative juices flow until he knew what would happen next.

And then…

He'd stop writing.

That’s right.

He’d get up and hunt or fish or meet friends and do all the other things writers do when they’re not working.

Hemingway famously told new writers to put aside their manuscripts when the going was good. That way, they’d have a place to pick up from the next day.

He said, “You write until you come to a place where you still have your juice and know what will happen next, and you stop and try to live through until the next day when you hit it again.”

I tried Hemingway’s strategy…and it worked!

I worked for an hour or so on a troublesome article or book chapter.

The writing was clunky, but just when I felt like it was going somewhere, I’d put it away.

The following morning I’d pick right up from where I left off.

That was a lot easier than arriving at my desk and wondering What now?

Simple, but effective.

And yet I wanted to know more...

I Became Obsessed with How Successful Writers Worked

I read the biographies of writers like Virginia Woolf, took dozens of creative courses from the likes of Neil Gaiman and interviewed New York Times best-selling authors for my podcast.

I even hired creative teachers to instruct me in the ways of the craft.

I was surprised to discover many successful writers struggled with writer’s block early in their careers too.

It’s a pretty common creative problem.

So what’s the difference between successful writers and struggling ones?

Well, prolific creatives who get paid and have lots of readers rely on a proven writing system.

Now, I do too.

I use it to write articles for Become a Writer Today and publications like Fast Company and Forbes.

It’s helped me write multiple books, connect with lots of new readers and earn thousands of dollars from the creative life.

Thanks to this writing system, I’ve kissed goodbye the myth of the penniless, starving artist.

That said, it bothers me when I find a new writer struggling with writer’s block.

I’ve emailed thousands of writers since 2013 asking them about their biggest struggles.

(Like I said, I’m obsessed).

And I get questions about writer’s block all the time.


This writer is just one of many with stories to share. They just need a little help.

It bothers me when writers like this consider giving up on the creative life. I know they can solve the problem of writer’s block.

They don’t need to become an accountant.

The good news is if you have writer’s block, you’re not alone.

You don’t need to work harder or berate yourself for not being a good enough writer. And please don’t feel like you lack talent or good ideas.

Instead, you need a new approach to this common creative problem.

And it’s one I want to share with you.

Imagine Writing Thousands of Words Every Month!

It won't happen overnight, but it's possible.

If you beat writer's block...'ll be able to write and publish the book sitting in your drawer or computer and finally call yourself an author. can build a blog that loyal readers can’t get enough out of. can start your career as a freelance writer and earn thousands of dollars each month.

And lots more.

I know because I've been there.

Like you, I struggled with writer's block, but I found a way to beat it...for good.

Now I've written several best-selling books, have a popular column on Forbes and more.

When I sit down at my desk, I almost always have something to write about because I have a system that works.

You can do it too.

But it all starts with turning up every day (just ask Ernest Hemingway).

Writing every day is easy when you know how.

I want to help you conquer writer’s block and achieve your writing goals this year.

If you want write to write more often and don't mind hard work, let me show you how to get the words flowing.

Let me help you build a writing system that works.

Introducing Conquer Writer’s Block

Go from “blocked” to ”prolific“ with a system that eliminates fear, procrastination and self-doubt.

Conquer Writer’s Block is an online course that gives you the skills you need to turn up in front of the blank page full of ideas and with a clear plan about which one to focus on.

This self-paced course will help you build a personal writing system that works so you can find the success you deserve today.

Across over a dozen modules, you’ll learn all about:

  • The how and why of writer’s block: You'll gain a deep perspective on what writer’s block is and how other successful, prolific writer’s overcome it.
  • The idea bank: Top writers have a wealth of ideas they can draw upon, and they add to this overtime. You can too.
  • Entering a state of creative flow: Instead of staring at the screen or the blank page, you’ll be able to get the words flowing and stay focused.
  • Building your personal writing system: When you have this in place, it’s much easier to turn up, write and finish your articles, stories or book.
  • Materials you can access on the go: Downloadable videos, PDFs and checklists. I know you’re busy. So, I’ve broken the course into easily digestible videos, PDFs and checklists that you can consume at your own pace, any time.

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Bryan Collins

Bryan Collins is an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work

Claim a free book of writing prompts on Become a Writer Today. You can also read his writings on 100% Unfinished.

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Conquer Writer's Block

Build Your Writing System and Become a Prolific Writer

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Plus Claim All These Great Bonuses

BONUS #1: A free copy of this MASSIVE three-part series

Become a Writer Today: Yes You Can Write! The Savvy Writer's Guide to Productivity and The Art of Writing a Non-Fiction Book ... worth $19

BONUS #2: An exclusive 20% Grammarly discount

Grammarly is my proofreading tool of choice. It costs $29.95 a month. With this discount, you can save 20% on this premium grammar checker... every month, for as long as you want.

BONUS #3: Two of my best Scrivener templates

I want to help you get started writing faster. So I'll give you the Scrivener templates I use to write non-fiction books and viral articles for publications like Forbes. You won't get this anywhere else.

BONUS #4: Get email coaching with me for 30 days.

Ask me any question about writer’s block. Think of me as your writing mentor for a month.

BONUS #5: A secret Spotify playlist For writers

In this course, I explain how a particular type of noise can help you focus on your writing. And I've put together a playlist that helps you tap into your ideal creative state.

BONUS #6: A workbook for writing faster

Use this printable 150 page workbook to unlock more ideas and get the words flowing.

Get started now!

Certificate Available
1051+ Students
20 Lectures
1+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Bryan Collins

Bryan Collins is an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work

Claim a free book of writing prompts on Become a Writer Today. You can also read his writings on 100% Unfinished.

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