Sales skills mastery: closing skills

Sales skills: 100+ closing the sale tips to close more sales & become a master closer (sales skills closing module)

What's Inside

"Very interesting and easy to learn" - Gloria Giraldo

„You kill it“ - Mona Shattell

„Can‘t be better than this“ - Janey Potts

“Captivating“ - Diana Dimedio

This course is different from other courses in four ways:

  • First, you get access to the world's most successful closing techniques - from the Wolf of Wall Street to Grant Cardone
  • Second, these techniques have been revised, updated and tested to make sure they apply in the 21 century - and in any cultural setting and industry
  • Third, the content is fully optimized for different personality types and uses the DISC model for optimal closing results
  • Fourth, over 100 closing techniques are broken into the most digestible form: audiovisual maps, brainwaves, stories and practicals will make sure you can crack the code of closing quickly

The world's biggest names in sales - the Wolf of Wall Street and Grant Cardone personally taught me these techniques many years ago - my team and I went out and scrutinized them, making sure they apply in the digital market of the 21st century and are appropriate for different products, industries and cultures.

In this course, you are going to learn how to close any sale. It contains proven techniques of how to create both emotional and logical certainty and using the right closing techniques to close anyone who is closable. This means that in this course, you are going to learn

  • Over 100 techniques to close any sale in any industry
  • Understanding the importance of cognitive biases and human psychology of decision making
  • Getting yourself into a peak state of mind in crucial moments
  • Adapting your sales style based on personality types (DISC model)
  • How to overcome objections and close anyone who is closable

"Closing" is the key skill any salesperson or entrepreneur needs to know in order to be successful in the world of sales and persuasion. Without this skill, you will barely close anyone and your finances will be dire as a result. If you have this skill, and you get really good at it, you will start closing more and making more money as a result than you have ever made before.

This course is also unique in terms of the delivery of the content:

  • Interactive mind maps and visualizations
  • Brainwaves and memory time (deep concentrated learning sessions)
  • Adapted course material for different types of learners
  • Quizzes and practicals

Sign up for this course right now, and believe me, you give me one shot here to teach you how to close anyone and you will be thinking back to this moment as one of the best decisions you have ever made in your life.

Let me ask you one thing: what is the worst that can happen? The worst that can happen is that you get your full money back (full money-back guarantee).

Let's get you started!

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
48158+ Students
51 Lectures
6+ Hours of Video
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Instructor Rating
Stefan Devito

Stefan teaches how to work smarter, not harder. His makebettermoney(TM) approach is built uopn the great 80/20 pareto principle and allows you to generate multiple streams of (passive) income.

Before joining udemy, he has analysed the great businessmen of our times for over 5 years, sales trainers likeJordan Belfort, Brian Tracy and Grant Cardone, great investment gurus like Warren buffett or Charly Munger and the great entrepreneurs of our time like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. Stefan teaches what they do, not what they say and does so in an easy-to digest formulaic manner.

Before joining udemy as an instructor, Stefan has worked in a diverse set of industries as lobbyist, data scientist, salesman and coach in various countries so that he only teaches what is universally applicable in different countries, cultures and for different positions.

He holds an LL.M from the French Sorbonne law school and speaks five languages.

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