C Puzzles for Interview Preparation

What's Inside

Having good understanding of the fundamentals is one of the first steps to be an excellent programmer. This course is designed to test your understanding of C fundamentals. The objective of the course is to equip you with in-depth knowledge of C fundamentals - including complex topics like Structures, Unions, Functions and Pointers.

With hundreds of examples, this course would serve as a great first step for C Interview Preparation.

Topics covered during this course are

  • Variables and Variable Types
  • Expressions - Associativity and Precedence
  • Arrays
  • Functions
  • Pointers
  • Structures
  • Structures, Pointers & Dynamic Memory
  • If Condition, Switch Statement and For Loop
  • Preprocessor Directives

Note : This is a course where we would test and improve your knowledge on the intricacies (Pointers, Structures, Unions, Dynamic Memory, Syntax of various C constructs) of C Programming Language. This course does NOT teach programming.

Get started now!

Certificate Available
49494+ Students
22 Lectures
3+ Hours of Video
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About Me

I'm Ranga Karanam. I am an Architect with 15 Years of Java Programming and Design Experience. I had the good fortune of Architecting Java Applications for Major Banking Clients across the world - India, United States and Netherlands. Other than Programming, I have a strong passion for Hiking. My Goal is to spend a year hiking in the Himalayas.

I started in28Minutes with the aim to create Hands-on Courses with Real World Projects. Step-By-Step series of Courses is one of our creations.

We have 1.5 Million Views and 12K Subscribers on our YouTube Channel.

We look forward to replicating the same success on StackSkills.

About in28Minutes

At in28Minutes, we ask ourselves one question everyday. How do we help you learn effectively - that is more quickly and retain more of what you have learnt?

We use Problem-Solution based Step-By-Step Hands-on Approach With Practical, Real World Application Examples.

While our primary expertise is on Development, Design & Architecture of Java & Related Frameworks (Spring, Spring MVC, Struts, Hibernate) we are expanding into the front-end world (Bootstrap, JQuery, Angular JS).

Our Beliefs

Best Courses are interactive and fun.

Foundations for building high quality applications are best laid down while learning.

Our Approach

Problem Solution based Step by Step Hands-on Learning

Practical, Real World Application Examples.

We use 80-20 Rule. We discuss 20% things used 80% of time in depth. We touch upon other things briefly equipping you with enough knowledge to find out more on your own.

We will be developing a demo application in the course, which could be reused in your projects, saving hours of your effort.

We love open source and therefore, All our code is open source too and available on Github.

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