Build a Tinder Clone for Android from scratch

Create your own Tinder like dating app with Android and Kotlin

What's Inside

Social media now has the largest user base ever.

Have you ever thought about owning your own dating app similar to Tinder? Now you can

This course teaches you exactly how to build a Tinder like app, complete with user accounts, registration, profiles, swipes, matches, conversations and more.

More features than any Tinder clone app out there.

We will build several Tinder features like:

  • User accounts with signup and login
  • Swipes left and right and matches
  • User profiles
  • User details screen and potential enhancements
  • Live chat functionality

I will show you step by step how to build an Android app in Kotlin similar to Tinder, how to program it and what each step means. It's never been easier to have your own dating app.

Around 50% of people are on dating app nowadays so now is the best time to get in on the game.

Sign up today and start creating your own app.

And who knows, you might even get a date out of this.

Get started now!

Certificate Available
111+ Students
37 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Catalin Stefan

I am an avid learner and teaching enthusiast. I love creating content and courses that enrich people's lives and help them have a better experience, both personally and professionally.

I am an expert mobile application developer with over 10 years development experience. I enjoy making courses related to software development and mobile apps, and want to share the knowledge I have acquired.

I create courses based on my professional experience. I hope to teach people skills that help them in their careers, allow them to acquire new skills and improve their personal relationships.

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