AWS, Docker Containers, Cloud Cluster With Mesosphere DC/OS

Work With Cloud Applications Using AWS, Docker, Marathon-LB, MySQL database, Mesos DNS, Mesospher DC/OS

What's Inside

Mesosphere DC/OS or the Mesosphere Datacenter Operating System. cloud scale OS (Operating System) that gives you the ability to operate all the servers present in your infrastructure in a single machine. It is based on the Apace Mesos kernel and gives you further the ability to execute containers, data and other applications in singular computing environment. Yes, all your computing needs are in one place managed and easily scalable any time.

Let us look at these statistics:

  • As estimated by McKinsey Global Institute, in the coming days there could be a scarcity of about 140,000 and 190,000 workers in the U.S. The workers with analytical skills are required to work with big data and associated enterprises.
  • For these workers, the average salary is roughly around $120,000+.
  • As per the survey from Robin Systems conducted in the year 2017, 81% of corporations suggested that they will increase the utilization of containers in the coming future
  • As per enterprisersproject's 2018 report, 57% of hiring managers report seeking container-related skills, that is almost double than last year.

There has been a significant rise in demand for container experts and data scientists as more and more companies are opting for the use of containers in their IT infrastructure.

Why Opt for Mesosphere DC/OS?

DC/OS or the Datacenter Operating System is a distributed operating system built and developed with Apache Mesos kernel. It is an open-source OS (Operating System) which was developed by Mesosphere Inc, a technology company based in San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

It takes care of all your container management requirements as it is an effective container scheduling tool at its core. You would require a container scheduling tool for managing how you will place your containers as well as schedule the execution (running) of your application instances.

In short, you can manage multiple containers from a single place and this is what the main function of Mesosphere DC/OS is. It provides a one only unified management experience regardless of what platform you use.

As you can now clearly conclude that DC/OS is not your typical OS (Operating System). It also acts as a:

  • Distributed System
  • Cluster Manager
  • Container Platform

This course is designed in a way to give you blend of theory and super exposure to practical demos so that you gain the most out of it. You will be introduced to the Mesosphere DC/OS and understand its architecture. You’ll be given hands-on knowledge on DC/OS architecture using its GUI (Graphic User Interface) and CLI (Command-line Interfaces). In addition to that, this course is designed to give you a high-quality learning experience of managing and deploying applications and nodes on DC/OS along with installing, deploying and debugging with the help of tools and applications such as WS, Docker, Marathon-LB, MySQL database, and Mesos DNS.

What Sets Us Apart?

Complete beginner to expert skills – This course does not assume any expertise in DC/OS. We give you step by step instructions and in fact, we hand hold you through all the exercises together with you.

Practical demo tutorials – Where most courses simply bombard you with dense theory and set you on your way, we believe in developing a deep understanding of not only what you’re doing, but why you’re doing it. That’s why we focus on building up your understanding for infinitely better results down the line.

I am not an engineer; will this course still benefit me?

Whether you are a start-up founder, a product manager or a project manager - it is quite likely that your organization is already using or will be using these technologies. You might not be interested in learning about new technologies. Well, we don’t blame you for that. But whether you like it or not, any business relies on updating the new technology to survive.

Is your IT career on the right track?

Well, if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as an IT engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you in no time.

Also, If you feel this course doesn't meet your needs, you just need to message us, and we’ll immediately refund your money. No questions asked. No hard feelings.

So what are you waiting for? Click on "Add to cart" button and grab your copy of "AWS, Docker Containers, Cloud Cluster With Mesosphere DC/OS", where you’ll learn software skills for Mesosphere DC/OS and related Tools!

Happy Learning!

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Manuj Aggarwal

I'm an entrepreneur, investor and a technology enthusiast. I like startups, business ideas, and high-tech anything. I like to work on hard problems and get my hands dirty with cutting edge technologies. In the last few years, I've been a business owner, technical architect, CTO, coder, startup consultant, and more.

Currently, I am the principal consultant, architect and CTO of a small software consulting company TetraNoodle Technologies based in Vancouver, Canada. We work with various startups on some cutting edge and interesting problems. Whether it is ideation and refining of your startup idea or building a dream team to execute on the idea - we provide a diverse set of solutions which help these startups succeed in their plans.

I have been in the software industry since 1997 and I have worked with early stage businesses to Fortune 100 mega corporations.

With proficiency in creating innovative architectures and solutions, I have emerged as a professional who knows how to balance these solutions against cost, schedule, function, quality, and other business considerations.

I am passionate about sharing all my knowledge that I have acquired over the years. I am particularly interested in helping technical and non-technical entrepreneurs, founders and co-founders of tech startups. I will strive to bring courses which provide practical know-how and advice about designing, architecting, optimizing and executing on your next big idea.

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