Android Jetpack masterclass in Java

Java, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, MVVM, Notifications, Permissions and a lot more

What's Inside

Use Jetpack to build a modern Android App with this new course on Android development and Java.

Most tutorials and how to's show you the basics of app building, but they don't show you how to use the latest technologies and libraries.

Most projects and jobs require you to know how to use the latest libraries. This is what this course is all about.

The purpose of this course is to teach you most of the Jetpack libraries, and give you a practical example of how to use these technologies, all while building a simple example app.

We will learn about:

  • Navigation
  • Room
  • Data Binding
  • AndroidX
  • KTX extensions
  • Lifecycles
  • Live Data
  • ViewModel
  • Notifications
  • Permissions
  • Sharing
  • Preferences
  • Fragments
  • Layouts
  • Palette
  • Multidex

As a bonus, we will also learn

  • MVVM architecture
  • Retrofit
  • RxJava
  • Glide

And we will build the app in Java.

We will cover a lot of technologies and we will implement them all in an application, so you can have a practical example.

If you want to build an app that scales and is robust, these technologies will make your life easy in the long term.

Sign up today, and let's learn how to use Jetpack to build a modern Android Application.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
112+ Students
70 Lectures
0+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Catalin Stefan

I am an avid learner and teaching enthusiast. I love creating content and courses that enrich people's lives and help them have a better experience, both personally and professionally.

I am an expert mobile application developer with over 10 years development experience. I enjoy making courses related to software development and mobile apps, and want to share the knowledge I have acquired.

I create courses based on my professional experience. I hope to teach people skills that help them in their careers, allow them to acquire new skills and improve their personal relationships.

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