No Sales B.S. | The Most Simple & Honest Amazon FBA Course

There is a huge opportunity with Amazon FBA but there’s also a lot of sales B.S. Here’s what you really need to know...

What's Inside

Note: Course is not yet updated to cover Amazon's new requirements on product labeling. Recently Amazon has required all products to be labeled before you can send your product to their fulfillment center. They now also require you use a GS1 certified UPC barcode or for you to go through their Brand Registry process.


“Super helpful and clear. A good teacher makes things easy to understand because they REALLY know the material. You can expect that with this course."

-Chris Scrivo


“I was looking for a straight to the point and clear to understand course on how to sell on Amazon FBA, and this is it. I now feel very confident in becoming a successful seller on Amazon. I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to start an online business!"

-Angela Alale


“Very clear! I've made 3 courses about Amazon FBA and this one is shorter, more clear and very effective."

-Maria Ratto



The No B.S. Truth About Starting An Amazon FBA Business

By now you have probably read a few course descriptions about the Amazon FBA opportunity and how you can easily make thousands of dollars per month.


I'm here to tell you most of what you read was 'sales-hype' and is not true.


The truth is starting an Amazon FBA business is a challenging thing to do. It takes lots of trial-and-error, and even if you do everything right luck still plays a role.

But even though Amazon FBA is a hard business to start the opportunity is enormous. Right now you can import millions of products from China at a very low cost. This is something that was an entrepreneur's dream only 10 years ago.


The reason why so many people are excited about starting an Amazon FBA business is because you can benefit from an enormous shift in the world economy that human history has never seen before. For the most part how humans react to globalization is still uncharted territory.


For this reason most Amazon FBA business owners are really experimenters. We are all trying to figure out what products we can import from China and sell domestically at a much higher cost.


This is why all of other Amazon FBA courses that promise easy money are B.S.

No one can promise you $1,000s / month. You have to experiment and find success on your own and nobody can do this part for you.


The only valuable thing an Amazon FBA instructor can teach you is how to use the Amazon FBA platform and how to sort through and communicate with international suppliers.

Anything else they teach you is 'fluff' that is a waste of your time. I'll explain why…


The Dangers of Learning Too Much About Amazon FBA

The most common mistake any new business owner makes is information overload. This is especially true with online courses that teach you how to create an Amazon FBA business.

Most Amazon FBA courses include 7+ hours of material which students like to watch all the way through before taking any action.


The reason students do this is it feels comfortable to watch all of this material without having to do anything. When you just watch video lectures you can't fail. The problem is when it comes to apply what we've learned we freeze.


Most students suffer from information overload that quickly turns into information paralysis.

This is a state where we are afraid to do anything because our heads are overloaded with new information. Unfortunately this is where most people give up and try something else.

A really good Amazon FBA instructor will teach you only the essential information you need to know and will give you the confidence to apply it.


A great metaphor to make this more picture-able is to imagine driving a car. Unless you are a car enthusiast you probably don't know how how the inside of your car works. You have no idea how oil is turned into energy through a car's engine and what the purpose of a crankshaft is.

All you need to do is how drive the car, the rest doesn't matter. Anything else would be a waste of time.


Now imagine trying to learn how every single piece of a car works before you learned to drive. It would be an insane waste of time! Yet that is what almost everyone tries to do when starting an Amazon FBA business.


This Is The Only Amazon FBA Course That Focuses On Teaching You What Matters

If you have done a search on Udemy for Amazon FBA there is a good chance you have been overloaded with courses to choose from. All of them have lots of students, decent reviews and promise to make you $1,000's / month.

And the truth is all of these courses have good, accurate information about starting an Amazon FBA business.


The problem is these classes teach you how the car works instead of what really matters: how to drive the car.

I have designed this course, 'The Amazon FBA Blueprint', to be the most understandable FBA course ever made. In 2 hours you will learn everything you need to know to start your own Amazon FBA business.


And unlike other courses that will lead you to suffer from information paralysis, this course will give you the confidence you need to get started right now and become an explorer of limitless Amazon FBA opportunities.


After Enrolling You Get Immediate Lifetime Access To Everything You Need

Immediately after clicking on the blue 'Take This Course' button in the top right hand corner you get lifetime access to the following:

  • 41 video lectures that teach you everything you need to know to confidently start your own Amazon FBA business ($499 value)
  • Unlimited free support for any questions you have about Amazon FBA ($199 value)
  • The ability to download all 41 video lectures individually or download all of the slides in convenient PDF's ($49 value)
  • The Lazy Man's secret to finding and importing profitable products from international suppliers, BONUS: free supplier contact template ($99 value)
  • Access to a community of 2,800 students that are learning with you


Don't let information paralysis stop you from achieving your goals. If you want to learn how to confidently start an Amazon FBA business make the choice to purchase this course right now.




“There's a whole lot of how-to courses out there focused on amazon fba. And there similarly are lots of gurus who promote these to their lists. But here I learned things, approaches, insights, tactics that are great and that no one else showed before. Plus I appreciate the course's speed, conciseness, simplicity."

-Juan Lulli


“Eric does a complete and concise job of going over the ins and outs of starting an Amazon FBA business by importing and selling goods. One could easily start such a business with the info in this course alone, Very good course, well worth taking if you are considering setting up a small import business."

-James Olsen


“Eric is a great lecturer, and I am glad I signed up for this course, it will give you best value for money. It is clear, precise and punctual. Eric keeps it simple and gives you in to all insights."

-Marin Zlataric

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
58049+ Students
41 Lectures
2+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Erik Rogne

Erik is an entrepreneur with years of experience creating physical products and brands. Erik decided to jump into the Amazon FBA world in the early years when it was just getting started. After months of trial-and-error and overcoming periods of personal doubt, it paid off. Big time.

He has sourced hundreds of products from all over the world, and created brands that turned into thousands of dollars. Today, his Amazon FBA business generates $100,000+ in revenue each year and takes him less than 2 hours-per-week to maintain.

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