Advanced Javascript

In only three hours you will learn enough javascript to transform from a Junior JS Dev into a Senior JS Guru

What's Inside

In only three hours you will learn enough javascript to transform from a junior javascript developer into a senior javascript guru.

You will dramatically improve your chances of getting past a technical interview, landing that dream job and earning more money.

If you are like me you learnt Javascript by just muddling along, seeing what works and learning a thing or two everyday.

However without a grasp of the deeper fundamentals you will hit quite a few head scratch-y issues, introduce bugs, find it hard to read and understand framework and library code and won’t be considered a senior developer.

This unique course teaches you advanced javascript knowledge through a series of 20 interview questions, with regular quiz's on the way through to cement your knowledge.

***This course covers ES5 version of javascript, the only officially supported version in all browsers***

What are you going to learn?

  • Types & Equality: The different types in JS and how to check if two values are really equal?
  • Scopes: The different scopes a variable can be declared in and how to manipulate those scopes.
  • Object Orientation: How to perform OO in Javascript with both the Prototype Pattern and the Pseudo-Classical/Constructor Pattern.
  • Advanced topics in Networking such as CORS and JSONP.
  • Advanced topics in Event Handling such as the different event phases.

Why an interview format?

I find that it's only when i'm facing an upcoming interview that I get into gear and really make sure I have a deep understanding of what I claim to know.

I might know the best practice for how to solve a problem, but do I know why?

Javascript interviews are designed to dig deeper into your knowledge of a subject, see if you are just mimicking what you have read or if you have a proper understanding.

Also it's FUN, what's more satisfying than learning something, then passing a test!

Get started now!

Certificate Available
50170+ Students
29 Lectures
3+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Asim Hussain

Over 15 years experience working for clients such as the European Space Agency and Google.

Wrote my first program in 1988, my first website in 1996, earned a 1st Class Degree in Computer Science in 2000 and now 15 years later I own a digital agency in London called Bubblegum specialising in building complex web & mobile applications in AngularJS/Node/Django and IonicFramework.

# What do I believe?

- I believe as a developer at it's heart, your job is to make the lives of other people more productive, that's what computing is all about.

- So if you yourself are not 100% focussed on making your own development as productive as possible then it doesn't bode well for your clients.

# What are my values?

- I'm 100% focused on practical development skills.

- I don't waste peoples time.

- I value my time and I value yours.

- I'm driven to be the most productive developer I can possibly be. I don't get caught up in philosophical debates.

- I value shipping “correct" functionality as fast as possible for myself and my clients.

If those are your values as well them you will love my courses.

If you want to sip your skinny decaf soya latte whilst discussing the pros and cons of different naming conventions for 3 hours then look somewhere else, if you want to learn how to ship functionality as fast as possible for yourself and your clients, these courses are for you.

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