A to Z Ethical Hacking Course

Learn ethical hacking a,b,c,d....

What's Inside

As the name says, the course covers A to Z content of ethical hacking. The course is divided into 4 sections: basics, web hacking, miscellaneous and wireless hacking.

Instructor has tried his best to cover each and every topic one needs to know to be ethical hacker, for example how to earn as ethical hacker, bug bounty programs, virus, worms, IP address, SQL injections, phishing, cross site scripting, email hacking, metasploit, keylogger,wire shark and many more to know in detail do watch introduction video of the course and also curriculum of the course.

Course Curriculum

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Certificate Available
63893+ Students
106 Lectures
7+ Hours of Video
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Amit Huddar

Amit Huddar is an Internet Entrepreneur and Software Engineer, He run his own software company "Softdust" , It develops product on new technology such as Android Wear (smart watch and google glass), he believe wear gadgets are future of personal computing.

He believe 2016 to 2025 is meant for app developers

Many made millions out of app development yet he believe it's just beginning,

He is CEO of Softdust(software firm).

He opted for computer science engineering in 2013 at SSIT, he started his software company on first year of engineering and it went successful so he dropped out on 2014 September.

He worked on non-conventional form of energy.

He has demonstrated his design of Tidal energy power plant model on national level and won awards from prestigious institutes like ISRO (Indian Space Research Institute of technology) and NITK (National Institute of Technology Karnataka).

He is quantum physicist too.

I worked on practical application of quantum leap with fellow scientist friends at IISc (Indian Institute of Science that is ranked as the 23rd best research institute in world and India's 1st).

He apply and believe in law of attraction.

As basic principle of reasoning from physics is important to him equally law of attraction is also important too which plays very important role in his life.

Skills: Android app development, HTML, CSS, PHP, C, C++, JAVA, Linux, Building Custom Linux OS, Cloud Computing. Penetration testing, Kali Linux and Hacking.

Language: English, Hindi, Kannada.

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