Get Things Done: 29 BIG Ideas For Getting Things Done

Discover 29 Simple (But Powerful) Strategies That Will Make You Productive

What's Inside

Hello, my name is Derek!

And I know you have a lot to do, so let’s cut right to the chase...

In this course, you’re going to discover productivity strategies for getting things done.

Here are 29 BIG Ideas you’re going to learn to help you do this.


  1. Idea 1: Timeboxing - In this lesson, you’re going to learn a simple, but very effective way of accomplishing all your everyday tasks by turning them into mini goals.
  2. Idea 2: Small Tasks - In this video, I’m going to introduce you to what I call, Breakaway Sessions, which is a strategy for taking care of all the small tasks that take 1-5 minutes to complete, so they don’t interfere with REAL, focused work.
  3. Idea 3: Plan Tomorrow, Today - Jim Rohn once said: Don’t start your day until you’ve finished it on paper. You’re going to learn what he meant, and how to put this awesome idea into action!
  4. Idea 4: Morning Email - It’s a common belief that checking email in the morning can destroy your productivity the rest of the day. In this video, I’m going to show you how to do it the right way, so that it doesn’t.
  5. Idea 5: Next! - A big part of getting things done is being able to choose the right action, at the right time. In this video, I’m going to show you how to do that.
  6. Idea 6: Wake Up Early - Waking up early isn’t a requirement for getting things done… but it sure does help. If you struggle with this, I’m going to show you 4 unique ways for waking up early that really work!
  7. Idea 7: Daily Review - As you travel through life, wouldn’t it be great to have a map to guide your actions and decisions? You can, when you learn to do a Daily Review, as I’ll teach you in this lesson.
  8. Idea 8: Weekly Review - This is a strategy I refer to as the mother of all productivity strategies. It’s that awesome! In this video, I’ll show what it is, how it works, and how you can start using it right away!
  9. Idea 9: Boost - Getting things done requires energy. In this lesson, you’re going to discover 9 simple ways to boost your energy anytime you need it!


  1. Idea 1: Focus - Right now, you have a focus muscle that is either strong or weak. I’m gonna share with you why it’s important to master your ability to focus and how to develop it if your focus is weak.
  2. Idea 2: Imperfectionism - If you’re like most people, perfectionism is holding you back from achieving your full potential. In this lesson I’m going to share with you eight reasons to embrace making mistakes, showing your flaws, and being imperfect.
  3. Idea 3: Expression vs Consumption - There are two main ways you interact with the world around you. They’re both useful and needed, but one creates a powerful momentum in your life to achieve what you want. In this lesson I’m going to show you how to create the spark to ignite this momentum.
  4. Idea 4: Action Beliefs - What you believe about taking action drives HOW you take action. In this video lesson, we’re going to install nine important action beliefs into your brain.
  5. Idea 5: Clarity - If you don’t have clarity in your life and you are not clear about what needs done, your brain is going to resist taking action. In this lesson, you’re going to clear the clutter in your mind so your brain sees the path to help you achieve what matters most to you!
  6. Idea 6: Deadlines - The concept of a deadline is a powerful motivating force for getting things done. In this lesson, you’re going to learn everything you need to know to start using deadlines as a motivation tool in all areas of your life.
  7. Idea 7: Consistency - You probably hear all the time about why you need to be consistent in what you practice, what you create, and what you do. Are you consistent? If not, this video lesson is going to show you the mechanics of how consistency works and why it’s an essential ingredient to any success.
  8. Idea 8: Priorities - So you have a ton of things to track, manage, and work on. The order that you take care of them plays a huge role as to whether you get them done or not. It’s all about choices. In this lesson, I’ll show you how to choose wisely.
  9. Idea 9: Convenience - You may not realize it, but your physical environment significantly influences your behavior. In this Lesson, I’m going to show you how it works, and how to intentionally design your environment to support taking action!
  10. Idea 10: Weakest Link - Right now, there is one thing in your life that’s standing in the way of you reaching your full potential. In this lesson, you’re going to learn how to identify it and how to eliminate it.


  1. Idea 1: Workspace - Your environment plays a significant role in your ability to get things done. In this video I’ll teach you how to create a productive environment that promotes taking action!
  2. Idea 2: To Do List - In this video, you’re going to discover four ways that you can ramp up the power of your to do list so you can turn it into a done list.
  3. Idea 3: Capture - Your brain is built to do some amazing things… keeping track of information and ideas isn’t really one of them. In this lesson I’m gonna demonstrate the power of writing things down, and simple approach to doing it.
  4. Idea 4: Systems - No matter what you’re working on, you want to learn how to work smarter, not harder. Systems enable you to do this, and I’m going to show you how to use them in this video lesson.
  5. Idea 5: Productivity Barriers - Being productive not only involves doing the right things, but eliminating things that stand in your way of taking action. This entire lesson is devoted to helping you remove the barriers that stand in your way of getting things done.
  6. Idea 6: Distractions - As you know, distractions are one of the biggest hurdles to working efficiently. In this video, I’m going to show you 4 strategies to help you eliminate distractions once and for all!
  7. Idea 7: Projects - Getting things done not only involves taking care of individual tasks, but oftentimes, projects, which involve a number of tasks. In this lesson you’re going to learn a 5 Step system for starting and managing projects properly.
  8. Idea 8: Batching - There’s a slow and inefficient approach to getting things done, and then there’s a fast and efficient approach to getting things done, known as batching. I’m going to teach you how to batch.
  9. Idea 9: Beast Mode - Somedays, no matter how hard you try to work productively, you need to get more done than you normally do. This is where beast mode can help. In this lesson I’ll explain what it is and how to use it.
  10. Idea 10: Errands - Running errands as a part of everyday life. In this lesson, I’m going to show you a four step process for bringing your errands list into the 21st-century.

If you want to learn how to get things done, you’re going to love this course!


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Derek Franklin

My name is Derek Franklin.

I'm an instructor obsessed with not only teaching others great ideas, but also showing them how to put those great ideas into action!

I'm also focused on making the entire learning process visual, simple, and fun - something that will be clear to you as you progress through my courses.


Here's what just a handful of my students have to say about my courses:

"One of the best - if not the best - online courses I've ever taken!"
- Emiliano Espinosa

"This Is a MIRACLE of a course..."
- Judy Kettenhofen

- Stephen Hendricks

"Productivity awesomeness"
- Korey Samuelson


I'm also a writer, speaker, and coach.

Since 1998, when I started taking life more seriously, I have:

  • Written 5 best-selling print books for Adobe Press that have sold over 250,000 copies in more than a dozen languages worldwide
  • Worked as Creative Director for a nationally recognized media company, with clients that included Adidas and Papa Johns
  • Created several software products used by over 10000 satisfied users
  • Achieved multiple 5-figure sales days for my products/services
  • Launched 25+ projects online - everything from software, video courses, to ebooks, to a membership site
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