Build a 2.5D Platformer - Beginners Guide to Game Development

Welcome to the 2.5D Game Development Course! In this comprehensive course, you'll learn how to build a robust 2.5D game from the ground up. We'll guide you through the process of creating a character controller from scratch, animating realistic walking cycles, and adding puzzle elements like pressure pads, wall jumps, and elevator mechanics. You'll also dive into more advanced gameplay features, including climbing and hanging mechanics, which will elevate your game development skills.

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67 Lectures
4+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating
Jonathan Weinberger

Hi! I'm Jon. I'm a self-taught software engineer with over ten years of experience, and the author of Learn Unity Programming with C#. I've developed several Unity games for Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, the casino industry, and various indie game companies. I've also developed real world enterprise augmented reality applications for companies like GE, Coca-Cola, and ThyssenKrupp. I got my start in programming when I was 16 years old, developing private game servers for a popular MMO. When I decided to look at game development as a career, I struggled to find content that didn't just spoon-feed me the answers. After countless hours of learning concepts and trying to figure out the logic behind everything myself, I decided to start my own YouTube series that teaches developers to code from scratch through interactive challenges. It quickly became popular within the Unity community, and my educational career became a reality. I have a passion for teaching, and I love watching my students go from zero to hero, with some of them even landing big time game development jobs with companies like Oculus and Cartoon Network! Several of my students have gone on to create their own amazing titles and even start their own indie game studios! My favorite thing about programming is when you're developing a feature and the logic for how to solve a problem just "clicks." That "eureka" moment is what I strive to teach all my students!

I am the only Authorized Unity Instructor, working in partnership with Unity Technologies to create C# programming courses in the Unity engine for developers of all levels. The goal of this collaboration is to make the learning curve of getting into programming less daunting, and helping experienced developers fine tune their skills. Currently, five courses created in partnership with Unity are available here and on, with many more in the works! Stay tuned for the latest and greatest Authorized Unity Courses!

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